2.0; suicide

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i was so done. i was so done with all the stress from school work. everybody expects me to get A's, but in reality im drowning in C grades. the only person who believed in me, my mum, died in an abusive relationship with my step father. tears fell from my bruised and swollen eye, as i took the steps up to the rooftop of my unit. i walked onto the concrete ground feeling the cold air hit my arms. i continued to walk to the ledge, wiping the overflow of tears with my sleeve. i climbed the short fence bordering the edge and closed my eyes taking my last breaths. 

thug i heard a large bang from behind me, and shocked i turned around to see a boy with red eyes and tears flowing. guess im not the only one planning to die tonight. 


this was written poorly, so i left it as a cliffhanger. so pretty much this girl has a crap life and goes to the roof of her unit, and so does this dude, who also has a crap life, and they both want to commit suicide. but,,,, they both start talking and make a bet to see who can stay alive for longer, and end up really close.  thankyou guys so much for 1.8k reads!

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