0.5; switch

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switch alternative titles; 'who are you?' 'who am i?'

"im so latee!" i ran down the corrider, dreading the scolding and detention i would receive from mrs. yoon. while running around the corner to my class, i looked down to see my watch. 2:30pm it read. i looked back up, and- OUCH. i head butted with something hard, and i could hear a whimper of pain. i looked up at who i bumped to see, me? what?!  i looked down at myself. i was wearing pants, no i was wearing the boys uniform. i brought my hands to my eyes. WHAT THE HECK MY HANDS ARE MASSIVE. i stared at the girl, no myself, who was on the ground infront of me. 

"hello?" a deep voice came out from my mouth, and i gasped. shoot. did we swith bodies?


pretty cliche story, but i thought someone might have wanted to write about this.

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