Chapter 8 ~ Moonmoon is what?!

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Silver here with the most cliffhanger-y chapter yet (and very short. This chapter deleted like 5 times)


💚Chapter 8💚

The group of cats trudged back to FanClan, with their heads hanging in defeat. "You know, we could of just killed them when they were, ya know, down." Cenaclaw growled to Datboi. The green warrior sighed as they padded into camp.

"Did it work?!" Datboi jumped into the air, scared, and turned around to look at Warriorstar.

"N-n-n-no, I-I-I-I-it didn't." Datboi stuttered. My first mission failed! Damn you NoWifi Forest

"Then why are you back?! Have you staged a coup?!"

Datboi shuffled his paws. "Um, Warriorstar? It's pronounced without the 'p.' He smiled awkwardly. "It's pronounced 'coo' and this has no relations to anything."

Warriorstar grumbled and turned to Jacobshirt. "Did it work?!"


"What the **** I thought I sent you ** ******* **** ***** ******* you-" The multiple personality disorder leader screamed. Since this was a PG book, no one really heard what he said, but a bit of deduction could help you figure out.

Moonmoon put her tail in Warriorstar's mouth. "Hush, we need to figure out how to defeat GifClan. Should we go to the Electricity Pool and ask InternetClan?"

The GifClan leader nodded reluctantly and pointed to the ente range of camp. "Go now. If you leave this second you may reach it by sundown."

Datboi sent a thankful sideways glance to Moonmoon which she smiled at and then nodded to Warriorstar. "We will be on our way."

"Datboi, me, Moommoon and Cenaclaw should return to MemeClan, just to inform Pepestar that you, and maybe those tribe weirdos, will be going to the Electricity Pool."


Every cat turned to Filmerpaw, who flattened his ears in shame. "I couldn't help it! When Darudestorm said Cenaclaw, I just had to!"

Every cat groaned. "Cenaclaw, Moonmoon, we are going." Darudestorm turned to the entrance. The pretty she-cat hissed at the tom. "No! I'm going with them."


The sun was falling rapidly. Datboi, Moonmoon and Jacobshirt walked to the edge of the territory, spotting the Internet Pool. It was like normal water, but an infinite amount of electricity ran through its small ripples.

The group came next to the pool as night rose. "Guys, I'm gonna wait here. You two do... It..." Datboi nodded. "Ok. Moonmoon, it's just us." And the pair of cats touched their noses to the pool, making them go in a coma


It was dark. Too dark. Mist shrouded Datboi and Moonmoon. "Look what we have here..." A silky sweet voice erupted from behind the two MemeClan cats. Datboi turned around to see a normal looking she-cat with a very (very) tall neck. It was Eggneck. I remember her! She was exiled when I was only a kit. Killed an elder.

"Welcome to the NoWifi Forest. It's a shame we have two young warriors here, especially since on is pregnant..."

Pregnant?! Datboi looked at Moonmoon with horror. "I-I was going to tell you.."

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