Chapter 10 ~ YouTubeClan Is Evil

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Datboi wakes up in a place with a lot of computers. i-Pads scattered all over the ground. Computers everywhere around on the tables. Then there are a lot of wifi cables.

"Where am I?" he asks himself.

"You are in InternetClan and I have a message to tell you." a mystery cat meowed.

"Whoa!!! I'm special." Datboi meowed.

"There is an attack coming." the mystery cat meowed.

"I will warn my clan!" Datboi meowed.

"Go Datboi!" the mystery cat meowed.

Datboi woke up and went up to the leader of MemeClan.

"Pepestar! Pepestar!" Datboi yowled. "I know something!"

"What happened Datboi?" Pepestar answered.

"InternetClan told me that their would be a clan attacking us!" Datboi meowed.

"OMG. GET THE CLAN READY." Pepestar meowed.

Lots of rustling came from bushes. A whole clan rush out to attack MemeClan.

"YouTubeClan attack!" yowled a mysterious voice.

The leader attacked Datboi. The cat clawed him in the belly.

"Who are you!?" Datboi screamed in fear and pain as he tried to fight back.

"I'm Pewdstar and my clan are ready to kill if needed." Pewdstar answered the shaking cat.

Datboi scratched Pewdstar's nose and escaped his grasp.

"Retreat MemeClan!" Pepestar yowled, "YouTubeClan is too strong!

The cats laughed evilly and took over the territory. Pepestar and MemeClan left to search of new territory.

"I'm going to miss the territory," Datboi meowed, as he saw YouTubeClan set in their territory.

Whisper here with a chapter xD This is my first time writing this so it might be stupid. I hope you enjoyed. :D

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