It was dark and starry in InternetClan. Three cats were gathered at a small pond. The first cat, a brilliant colour-changing she-cat. The next was a medium sized tom with scruffy black bangs and human-coloured hair. Generic of course. And the last cat was, well, a cat that couldn't keep still.
The she-cat dipper her head on acknowledgement. "Gifstar, Fanstar, where is YouTubestar?"
The generic white boy fan #21 sighed. "I have no idea, Memestar. Perhaps someone else will come?" Memestar sighed in annoyance.
"Memestar? Fanstar? Gifstar? What an amaaaazzzziiinnggg encounter." A gnome-cat walked out of the bushes surrounding the leaders. Three cats walked out of the bush along with the newcomer. The first was a fox with an oddly square head, the second was a deep emerald tom and the third had a sick diss track playing as he walked out of the bush.
"Keemgnome, Pyrofox, Leafleaf, Ricebully, what are you doing here?!" Gifstar asked sharply.
"Hey what's up guys, Scarce here." Pyrofox muttered under his breath and got his totally non-gambled GS:GO gun out.
The gnome cat glared at Gifstar. "It's KeemSTAR. I was leader you know!" He growled and continued "YouTubestar couldn't make it. Too much unmonetised videos to take care of apparently."
Memestar frowned. "And who are these... Cats?" Her eyes landed on Pyrofox, staring him up and down. "kys." Pyrofox shouted and returned from the hell he crawled up from.
"Bully channels obviously. These are the baddest of the bad. They are here to possess Moonmoon's kits and help out with defeating YouTubeClan."
Suddenly, there was an awkward silence. Pyrofox came back, carrying loads of discs containing ASMR. They all listened in interest. Memestar, being the only rational cat there (and the only she-cat), covered her ears, because it was just odd whispering.
"Oh I know!" Shouted LeafLeaf in his oddly high pitched voice. Let's make Moonmoon have her kits now so that everything goes to plan!"
There were no objections.
"Let's do this."All the cats dissappeared but Keemstar and Gifstar. "Are you sure this will work?" He asked with an obvious evil grin plastered on his face."of course Keemstar. The clans will fall!"
By Silver.
FanfictionNot much to say... It's memealicious Idea by Silver AMAZING cover by @MissMikkie