Chapter 19: #1 Dad

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Theworld proceeded to take the lead in wandering back to MemeClan, his all-knowing status allowing him to recognise the path immediately. Knowmore carried Mahboi upon her back, while Datboi dragged Trappaw behind him, and much to his discontent, Moonmoon walked gently beside the mystical rogue, her pregnant belly swinging uncomfortably close to the floor. He scowled.

"So, uh, where do you come from?" Knowmore asked, attempting to break the silence.

Theworld sighed. "I come from the world, duh. I am the feline equivalent to this world we stand on."

She nodded, understanding his point, before furrowing her brow in confusion. "Is that what the world really looks like? Some three day old kit's artwork?"

Theworld nodded, rather offended. "Yes, in perspective, the world looks like this, but to us felines, it looks like a rather large image of Pepestar, with the chins emphasised of course."

Datboi grumbled at the mention of his father, and Theworld smirked at his unhappiness. "Aren't you just the luckiest kit in the world to have Pepestar for a father?"

His mocking tone sent shivers down his spine, and he focused on dragging Trappaw back to camp and ignored his mocking tone. However, Theworld continued.

"Wouldn't it be nice to be a father one day? To have kits of your own, huh Datboi?" he questioned him, smirking.

Datboi frowned, confused. "I'm a meme, we don't have kits. They fall from the sky from unicycles and the memes below catch them."

Theworld cooed at him as they pulled up into MemeClan camp, making him feel as small as possible. "Aw, little Datboi still believes the stories his mummy told him when he was a kit!"

As the cats pulled their unconscious friends into MemeClan, they were immediately greeted by Badluck, who tripped over the nearest twig on the way there. As he grabbed Mahboi from Knowmore and prompted Datboi to bring Trappaw to the medicine den, Theworld giggled.

"Bad luck?" he murmured to Badluck, who rolled his eyes at the joke he was certain he might've heard before in his many moons in MemeClan. Just maybe.

"Will they be okay?" Knowmore questioned him as he began to tend to their wounds, starting with the younger cat first. He held a terrified face upon him as he gazed down upon his injured Clanmates.

"I hope so..." he sighed, continuing restlessly as Theworld began to speak over him.

"So, I assume there's been a question on everyone's mind recently," he began, receiving a few knowing glances as other cats began to gather round.

"The meaning of life!" shouted one in a squeaky voice.

"My purpose in this world..." another dreary voice contributed.

"How many chins I truly have!" Pepestar called from the Meme Rock, puffing out his prestigious green chest.

Theworld shook his head, irritated. "No, you fools! Have you not noticed Moonmoon?"

The Clan looked towards her pregnant belly and commuted in understanding of the question in paw. Theworld presented her like an object, displaying her for her Clan to see.

"The one question we've all been waiting to answer... WHO'S THE DADDY?"

Cheers erupted from the Clan as toms stepped forward to claim their parenthood over Moonmoon's kits, all of them worthy candidates. Cneclaw with his muscular figure stepped forward, Twentyone with his wonderful singing an existential vibes, and even Deadclapper, the dead clapper, attempted to prove his worth. Theworld looked over them all, smirking.

"You're all fakes! None of you are the father, step back!" he screeched, and the hopeful toms resigned.

Theworld turned his back on the Clan and wandered into the medicine den, looking over Badluck's hard work. He smirked, turning back.

"You want to know who the father is?" he asked MemeClan, calm, and their response with unanimous. 

"Well, the father is...!"

Knowmore received a sparkly envelope from a mystical force and handed it to Theworld, who opened it promptly and read the name.



"I said Datboi."




~Written by the Memetastic Hazel~

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