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Draco's POV

I watched Granger leaving the class. I wanted so bad to follow her. To ask what's wrong. To ask why Slughorn needed to see the cuts. And this Lavender Brown couldn't keep her mouth shut. She was a self-centered pig and nothing else.

Flitwick said something to Slughorn and Slughorn stopped. In a moment, Slughorn whispered something to Flitwick and his
expression became darker. Slughorn left and Flitwick sat again at his chair.

"Poor girl." He said aloud and the whole classroom heard him. The whole classroom exchanged glances-except me. My heart was racing. What happened?

"What happened? Did she poured lemon juice in her cuts to make the others pity her? She's so dramatic." Brown said and laughted with her friends.

My blood boiled. How could she? "You are an unbelievable slut, Brown. Can you shut up? You don't know Hermione. She wouldn't do such thing. You better think before you speak. If that's even posible." I talked back to her and after a moment I realised I called Granger by her first name in front of Slytherin and Gryffindor. Oh Merlin. At least, she wasn't present. But it was she-Weasley. And Potter. And oh. I was so done.

Suddenly, a crowd of claps made me lift my head. The Gryffindors were clapping for me. A brief smile crossed my face. I turned to Brown who looked at me with a deadly stare.

"Well, well, Malfoy. Did you just called her Hermi-"

"ENOUGH MISS BROWN." Flitwick cried. " You do not know how serious her wounds are. You do not know what she is throught! Five points from  Gryffindor, because you insulted a friend of yours! And ten points for Slytherin, for Mr. Malfoy. Well done, I am proud of you. It seems that you have changed. I didn't know that I would live long enought to see a Slytherin defending a Gryffindor." He smiled to me and the lesson went on again.

Nobody spoke after that. I constantly looked at the huge wooden clock and counted the minutes. Was she alright?
And yes, I was worried for her. Oh shit, I didn't want to get caught. It's Hermione Granger, I reminded myself, she doesn't fall for guys like you. Don't you remember what you've done to her?

Oh shut up.

Hermione's POV

I couldn't take it. Everything in my world collapsed by three words; they are dead.
A heart attack. At the same time. Was it even posible? Why? I bursted into new sobs. I went so deep that I couldn't drag myself out.

It was so frozen there. So cold. I felt something dragging me into the water. I didn'y have the strenght to resist. So I slipped deeper and deeper into the freezing water.

Draco's POV

As soon as the word 'dismissed' was shaped on Flitwicks mouth, I did as fast as I could and gather my things. I walked out the classroom, to find Hermione. Granger. To find Granger.

I ran through hallways and halls but she wasn't there.

Don't be a foul, if something bad happened, she isn't going to be in a public place, I reminded to my self.

So, she would be in;

A) Prefects Common Room.

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