|| t w e n t y - f i v e ||

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||J a r o f h e a r t s ||


Hermione's POV

I was really nervous. I didn't know why. It was one stupid Yule Ball. It was not something big or anything. I checked myself for one last time , coughing a glimpse of what I would look like when I would go to the Great Hall.

Ten whole minutes had passed from when Ginny left me, saying that I should be a little late, so the eyes would be on me.

I didn't want the eyes to be on me. I didn't feel... comfortable.
But Ginny had insisted.

When I made sure that I was exactly as Ginny wanted, I drew a quick breath and left the common room.

It was time.

Draco's POV

I was searching with my eyes the Great Hall for Granger. I pressed my lips. I was stupid. I didn't even know why I agreed to it.

I sipped more firewhiskey. I watched as couples were dancing in the slow music.

I could see she-Weasel dancing with Potter but she was nowhere to be found. Would she even come?

My stare slipped away from she-weasel and Potter. I caught a glimpse of light from the entrance of the Great Hall.

I turned to see. I stopped breathing. I could swear that the band played slower when they saw what I saw. Hermione Granger had entered the Great Hall. And just wow.

She was... a kind of stunning. Like in fourth year. But she was... stunn-ier. If that's even possible.

She wore a black dress , a ball gown dress. In its endings and edges were something like black stardust that was glittering in every movement. Her brownish hair were pulled back. She was like a black swan.

Many heads turned to see her, as she was walking down the staircase.

I,then, realized that my jaw was almost touching the flour. I shook my head quickly and put the glass of firewhiskey back on the table.

I saw she-Weasel running towards her. And Granger giving her a smile.

I shivered. And it was not the cold.

As the two of them walked away from the dance floor, everyone got back to normal. I did not.

I saw that the two of them were heading my way and I did my best to play cool. Not that I was not. I was. And everything was good. Just because Granger grew into a stunning woman, did not mean that I fancied... who was I going to foul. Who.

I looked all over the hall instead; it was jeweled with Christmas colours, green and red. And now that I was thinking of it, they were Slytherin and Gryffindor's colours. Well, partly.

A huge Christmas tree was placed on the left corner of the room. And if course, under it, you could find gifts for every student at Hogwarts.


Oh shit not again, please.

And of course my Defense Against Dark Arts professor walked to me. Natalie wore a blue dress, which made me think of Beauxbaton students.

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