|| t w e n t y - s i x ||

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|| d a n c i n g w i t h t h e d e v i l ||


Hermione Granger stood by the lake, the air made her hair flip around her.

The moon was up and shining. It was full moon. And everything was clear; from the shining water to the trees around the lake.

She couldn't believe what happened. No. It was a lie. She did believe what happened. She didn't want to see Ron again. Ever.

She was looking at the moon. It was shining brightly upon the castle and the crystal water. She breathed in clear air. Music echoed from the castle.

"If you fall again, I won't catch you." Draco Malfoy said behind her. A fresh smell of pines and rain overwhelmed her. She didn't turn to him. She kept her eyes on the moon.

"Then again, you fancy me enough to catch me.'' She said, jokingly.

He scoffed. "Then again, I think that you would jump just to impress your crush; me."

She turned to him, shadows covering her face. "Why would I do something as stupid as jumping in a lake just to impress someone?"

He shrugged. "I don't know, there are girls that can do that, though."

She shook her head. "I'm not that type of girl. Never will be."

Draco gave her a cunning smirk. The smirk. "Then again, you didn't denied you crushing me."

Hermione laughed sarcastically. "Because it's obvious that I don't crush you,Malfoy.''

"Ouch."He said, acting like he was stabbed in his heart. Then he extended his hand to her, bowing a little. "Will you, again, dance with me?"

Hermione crossed her arms and grinned. "Oh, Malfoy, do you want so badly to dance with me?"

Draco looked at her, his grey-blue eyes were sparking under the moonlight night. "Yes and no."

Hermione rolled her eyes and put he hand into his. Immediately a rush of warmth hit her. "I guess I can do you a favor."

She couldn't help but think; I'm dancing with the devil.

And even if he wasn't a devil anymore, it was... somehow the same.

Draco slid his left hand on her waist and held with his right hand her left one. He noticed a thing; the dress didn't have sleeves. In her left arm, there was one thing to notice. The word mudblood.

He swallowed hard. Thank Merlin, Hermione didn't notice.

He locked his eyes on her. She was even more stunning under the night's light.

They spun around and around, in the music's tone.

She looked at him. He is kind of handsome, I suppose, she thought. She bit the inside of her lip. Did she just say that?

"Weren't you supposed to be with your partner?" Hermione blurred out before she could stop herself. But still; the silence was more awkward.

Draco flinched didn't broke his stare. "I could say the same to you, Granger."

She shoo her head. She felt a burning under his touch. "I don't have one."

"Granger wasn't asked for the ball?" He said in disbelief.

She shrugged as she didn't care. "Nope. Granger wasn't asked."

He raised his eyebrows in shock. He didn't believe in what he had just heard. It was true, and he knew it, that she didn't have a date. But he didn't thought it was because nobody asked her. He thought it was because she turned the all down. "Not once?"
"Not once." she said and he was sure he
Hermione narrowed her eyes. "Funny. And where is Natalie now?"

He shrugged and Hermione could swear that he held tighter her hand. "Why would I know?"

Hermione rolled her eyes. "You said you asked her. She said yes. You were pretty excited about it."

Draco's eyes slipped behind her, in the lake, avoiding her eyes. "Ah. Well, I didn't ask her..."
Hermione tried to hide her smile. "So you lied to me."
"Pretty much."
Hermione wondered why and she couldn't keep herself from asking."Why? what's the point in it anyway?"
He shrugged."I wanted to test out something."
"What?" She asked.

He smirked."You are too curious, Granger."

"Is that a sin?" She said, raising her eyebrows.

He shrugged. "Don't think so."

"So will you tell me?" Hermione asked and, for the first time, she realized how close their faces were.

"I wanted to test out if you really had a crush on me ; you know the list of the girls that have crush on me is getting bigger and bigger. I can't keep the track of you" He said, half joking half telling the truth.

"And? Do I have a crush on you?" Hermione asked at last.

Draco smiled as they spin. Under the low light, Hermione could only see two half rings of shining blue in his eyes. "Oh yes. You are falling hard for me."

"Not even close." She shook her head, bursting into a laugh which made Draco frown.

He shrugged as his mouth formed a smirk. "Well, you can't blame a man for trying."

"Surely not." said her, knitting her eyebrows.

Silence fell for a few moments before Draco suddenly coughed. "Uh, thanks for earlier. Only a few people and emphasis on the few, believe that I'm not a death eater anymore. So, uh thanks."

Hermione's smile turned into a smirk as she raised an eyebrow. "And you though I was the one that was crushing you."

"What?" he said, shocked.

She laughed, her brownish eyes shining with small tears of joy. "You're blushing!"

"I'm not!" he protested quickly and wondered how the hell this woman could see in the dark.

"Well, your face says otherwise." she mocked him.

He rolled his eyes. "And yet, I am the one that crush you. "

"What?" she demanded.

"How can you possibly see under low light, woman?"

"You were blushing! I swear it on my life. It's okay, Malfoy, I promise that I won't break your heart."

"I don't fancy you. You fancy me."

"Nope. I didn't expect that a pureblood can fancy a mudblood. But still, you are full of surprices."

"I. Don't. Fancy. You."

"Didn't they teach you not to tell lies, Draco?''

"You are the one that is lying, Hermione."

"You fancy me that much that you must hide your love for me from society?"




"What do you mean by sa-"

He had heard enough. Draco leaned down as he whispered a softly 'shut up'.

He kissed her.

At first, Hermione blinked but then she closed her eyes. She surprised herself when she kissed him back.

At first, the kiss was a hesitation, like he asked. Then, a moment later, the kiss deepened, it was sweeter, a determination.

Hermione couldn't believe what she was doing; her arms were around him, and she placed her hand on his cheek, letting him know that she approved.

She approved.

Draco placed his hands around her waistline and drew her a little closer.

"YESS!" A cheerfull voice said, before a 'shhh' followed.

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