Chapter 1

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Wendy's POV:

"Hi I'm Wendy Son,But You can call me Wendy" I introduced myself infront of My First Class.

"Okay Wendy" Our Teacher said "Please sit beside Mark"

Who is Mark?

"Mark!" The teacher shouted

Ahh... so that's Mark... He has blonde hair. Same as me.

Mark raised his hand and I quickly went near him.

"Annyeonghasaeyo. Wendy imida" I said

But he didn't care.

After class I quickly went out.

"Yah Wendy!" A voice came behind my back.

No one knows me except the school staff.

I looked back.

"Annyeong!" He's kinda cute though.

"Excuse me, But do I know you?" I break the silence

"Ah! Bambam's the name" He bowed.

"Son Seungwan" I bowed "Just Call me Wendy".

"Yah Wendy. Can I ask How old are you?" He asked.

"I am born in 1994, which means I'm a 94 liner" I said while fixing the hem of my dress.

"Can I call you Noona?" He asked with puppy eyes.

"Well Sure" I said in English whoops!

"Noona! Don't worry I can speak english too" Thank Goodness I can speak to someone being comfortable. "Noona,I want you to meet someone".

He dragged me out of the hallway then brought me here in a...

"Is this a music room?" I asked. Bambam nodded.

I then saw 5 guys seating in a big couch.

"Hey guys!" Bambam went near them while pulling me in. "I would like you to mee-"

"Hi! I'm Jackson. The charistmatic wild and sexy Jackson" A guy named Jackson cutted off.

"Hyung, I got this" Bambam whispered in Jackson's left ear.

"Sorry Bam, I just got excited" He whispered back.

Bambam whispered in my ear "Sorry Noona, He's the most excited one to see you." I just let off a soft giggle.

"Yah Jackson! Get back here!" Another guy said while patting his other friend.

"Ah Noona,By The Way" Bambam continued "This is JB,Jr.,Youngjae,Yug- yeom and Yah That's Jackson and-"

Suddenly a guy walked in.

IT'S MARK!!!!!!

I just tried to ignore him.

"And that's Mark." He pointed to Mark. "He's the cold one" He whispered and I giggled.

I can see Mark glaring at me at the corner of my eye.

They started talking...

I glared at my wristwatch.

15 minutes before my second class.

"I gotta go guys, I only have 15 minutes left" I said.

"What's your next class Noona?" Yugyeom asked.

"Ah" I checked my schedule "Science".

"Ah!" Jr. Shrieked "Go with Mark! He knows the way and you also have the same class".

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