Chapter 8

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Mark's POV:

"Okay guys! Tomorrow we are going somewhere for practice!" Our manager said

"Why?" Yugyeom asked

"Because the Top Rookies this year are gonna perform in one stage" Manager said

"I think Red Velvet's gonna be there" Jackson whispered

"Who's gonna be there?" Bambam asked

"You'll see!" Manager said and then we went back to the dorm

"I need to sleep! Can't wait for tomorrow!" Bambam said and we all went to sleep in the car.

Wendy's POV:

"Tomorrow We are gonna have guests so you should wake up early" Our Manager said

"Araso!" We said in unison

Then there was complete silence in the car.

No one's talking but all are just sleeping

I put my earphones on.

*who you are who you are*

I checked my phone.

|Boyfriend Oppa:Calling

Wendy: Annyeong?
Mark: Annyeong Seung Wannie!
Wendy: Annyeong Oppa! Is everything alright? Why did you call?
Mark: Nothing! I just wanna know if you're okay
Wendy: Yes Oppa, I'm okay
Mark: I can't wait to see you Wannie!
Wendy: Are we gonna meet today Oppa?
Mark: Didn't your Manager tell you? The Top Rookie Groups for this year are gonna be in one stage.
Wendy: Really?! Daebak! (Wow!)
Mark: Your Manager didn't tell you?
Wendy: Ne (Yes) Oppa

"Let's go girls! We're here!" Manager yelled

Wendy: Oppa! I gotta go! Take Care!
Mark: Take Care Seung Wannie! I love you!
Wendy: I love You Too Oppa! Bye!
Mark: Bye!

_end call_

"Unnie! Who were you talking to?" Joy asked

"Ah... N-no one!" I lied

"She was talking to Mark" Irene said

"And she said I LOVE YOU" Seulgi added

"Aish! Stop talking about me! Mind your own business!" I yelled (softly)

"Go to sleep. Because our guests are gonna arrive at 5 am sharp!. Goodnight girls!" Our Manager left

"Goodnight Manager!" We replied in unison

We then slept.

Mark's POV:

"Yiieeeee!!!! I'm excited!!" Bambam kept hitting my arm

"Yah! Stop it!" I moved my arm and he stopped hitting and he stopped smiling

"Yah! We should get some rest cause we are gonna wake up early tomorrow!" JB yelled

Then we slept

*next day*

"Wake Up! Wake Up!" JB hit my head "Hyung! Your girlfriend is waiting for you in SM Ent."

"I'm awake Jaebum!" I said and went inside the bathroom and took a bath and changed and ate and I'm all ready.

"Hyung! You are so excited" Youngjae said

"Yeah Hyung!" Bambam added


We are all ready and we went inside the car and left

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