Chapter 2

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Mark's POV:

To be honest. I really liked her ever since I saw her.

But I didn't really planned to kiss her.

I then let go of the kiss...

She blushed. And I can feel my ear turning red.

She ran and I kinda smirked a little.

"Hyung!" I looked where that voice came from. "Did You Ask her out?" Bambam asked. I shook my head.

"Good" He said while wiping his sweat.

I looked at him. "Why?" I asked. "N-nothing Hy-hyung!" He said while in his breathes.

"Are you gonna ask her out?!?!" I said controlling my anger. "Someday hyung" Pffttt... "Bambam," I started "You're too young!" I patted his shoulder. He gave me a glance.

"Hyung, You're never too young to LOVE" Bambam said and walked away.

Wendy's POV:

I'm still blushing so hard!!!


After he kissed me. I blushed and ran away..

*end of flashback*

I'm smiling like and idiot.

"Annyeong Noona" Taehyung came carrying two orange juice boxes. "Here" He handed me one.

I thanked him.

He took a sip from his juice while I'm still replaying what happened earlier about- well You know....

Taehyung gave me a strange look.

"Noona,Why are you smiling?" Taehyung asked. I just shooked my head.

"Nooonnnnaaaaaa!!!" Aww... Cutie Bambam!! "Annyeong!" Bambam greeted.

"Sunbaenim!" Bambam bowed to Taehyung.

"Ah Bambam-sshi!" Taehyung said in disappointment "I told you NOT to call me sunbae. Call Me Hyung"

"Araso" Bambam said and took a seat near me.

"Ey. Noona!" Bambam whispered at me "You left Mark hyung there"


I blushed a bit.

"Noona!!" Bambam teased me. "You're blushing!"

I then saw a person standing infront of us. He looks so tired.

"Bambam!!" He shouted. I looked at him. It's Yugyeom.

"Wae?" Bambam said softly.

"Mark Hyung Picked up another fight!" Yugyeom said.

He then ran and Me and Taehyung followed him.

But Taehyung put his hand over my shoulder.

I should really be use to this.

There was a huge crowd.

I went to the front.

"Mark!" I shouted.

He looked at me and his opponnent punched him which makes him fell down to the floor.

Now,I am here in the Clinic taking care of Mark.

"How are you?" I asked. While he sat down in the bed.

He didn't reply. A cold guy indeed.

I checked my wristwatch.

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