Chapter 9

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Mark's POV:

"Ayyiieee!!! Hyung! Staying strong!" Bambam teased.

"Aish! Bambam shut up" I said in frustraion "Mind your own business"

"Let's go guys" JB said and we left.

Wendy's POV:

"17... 18!" I counted the jackets Mark gave me.

"Wan-ah! What is that?" Seulgi asked.

"It's Mark Oppa's jackets. He gave them to Wendy Unnie" Joy replied

"Let's just sleep, tomorrow we have to go to JYP for practice" I said.

*next day*

"Guys wake Up!" Irene wakes Joy and Seulgi.

And I am preparing the food in the kitchen.

"Food is ready guys!" I yelled and they all went down.

"Unnie's food is the best!" Joy said.

"Thanks" I thanked her.

"We only have 30 minutes to get there" Irene said "We gotta hurry"


"Welcome to JYP my lady" Someone opened the van and I don't know who is it "Yah! What did I even do to you? Wannie!" It's Mark alright.

"Haha! I didn't know that It was you Oppa" I told him

"Come here" He held my waist and my bag.

Mark and I decided to go to the balcony

Just me and Him here.

"Girls Girls Girls they love me" Mark sang infront of me.

"Yeah. THEY LOVE YOU. Except for me" I teasingly said.

"What do you mean they love me except for you?" He asked in confusion

"I'm just kidding" I love Mark. But something is always bothering me.


I looked at my bag where my phone is in I was about to get it but Mark get it first.

"Why the hell is this guy calling you?!" He yelled in disapointment

"What do you mean-" I looked who called

It's Taehyung

I tried to snatch the phone but Mark took it and answered it

Mark:What do you want?!
Taehyung:Who is this?!?! I need to talk to Wendy
M:But you guys were over 12 years ago! Can't you see she's happy with someone else!?!?!
T:Well, WENDY'S BOYFRIEND... I used to be her boyfriend-
M: Yeah! You USED to! Now. Stop calling her!

He then hanged up

And there was silence.

I cried there leaning on the wall

"Seung Wan" He started "Why is he calling you?" He softly said

"He wants me back Oppa" I said while wiping my tears

He leaned forward and whispered to my ear "Seung Wan. Don't let that dummy let you down, See you have plenty of people to talk to your problems. And I am one of those people who can listen to your problems. Let them out Seung Wan. I'm here" He kissed my forehead

"Thank You Oppa" I hugged him "I think their waiting for us Oppa. Gaja? (Let's go?)"

"Yeah!" Then we left the balcony and went to the practice room.

TIMING! the staff just arrived.

"Okay guys! Positions!" The choreographers said.


"Tomorrow Guys! We are going to be practicing at YG Entertainment, Where Winner's company is at"

(A/N: I'm so sorry guys.... I am a very bad KPOP Fan because I don't know what Entertainment is Winner based on... please do tell me their company by writing a comment thank You!)

I went out

We were actually free today after practice.

And I felt someone held my wrist I looked at him


"Yeobo. I missed you"

"I am not your Yeobo anymore"

"Really?" He kissed me



"Mark!" I hugged him

"Stay away from my girlfriend. Will You?" Mark said, frustrated

Taehyung wiped his lip which was bleeding. "No. Never in a million years will I do that for a beautiful young lady like her" Then he left

(A/N: For all V fans there. I am so sorry if I made him a bad guy. V is also my Bias in BTS but this is a MarkDy story and I also ship him and Wendy. Not With Irene. Am also sorry for all VRene fans)

"Are you okay?" He asked and I hugged him again

I don't know what to do so I hugged him and cried.

Mark's POV:

*before the incident*

Wendy went out and I was still frustrated why her EX Boyfriend kept on calling her.

After I was mad I went to find Wendy but I was distracted by the scenery of the outside by the window

This is What Wendy will love. Because she likes calm things.

But something caught my eye

A figure of Wendy and



I couldn't contain my madness

I ran to that place and I punched Taehyung letting him fall down and his lip started to bleed.

I faced Wendy and she was frightened

"Mark!" She hugged me

"Stay away from my Girlfriend,Will You?" I angrily said

He touched his bleeding lip and said "No. Never in a million years will I do that for a beautiful girl like her (referring to Wendy)" He then left

I looked at Wendy "Are you okay?" I asked because I was worried but she didn't reply

She hugged me and she cried

"Just let them out Seung Wan. I'm here" I comforted her.

"I'm reallt thankful that you are always with me Yi Eun Oppa" She said while still crying. She hugged me really tight

"Wan-ah. Are you okay?" Seulgi came "Alright Mark. What happen to her?"

"Taehyung confronted her" I said

"What?! That idiot?!?!?! That's it. Wan-ah. Don't ever go anywhere without a guardian. OKAY!"

Seulgi is Wendy's closest friend in Red Velvet.

"Mark. Please take care of her. PROPERLY" She said and I nodded "Thank You. I'll go back now. JB is probably looking for me. Have a great time Wan-ah just forget about that idiot! He's nothing!" She ran back

"Let's go to a nearby river" Wendy suggested

I agreed.

We were just talking and stuff

But I saw a flash

I looked at where it was from.

She gasped "It is Mark Oppa and Wendy Unnie!"

No!!! A fan saw us!!!!!!!!

"I think we should go!" Wendy said and I held her hand and we ran.

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