Chapter 4

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Taehyung's POV:

Dang It!!!

I'm here at school but I can't find Wendy Noona.

"Because Your My Oppa!" Wait! It's like Noona's voice.

I turn around and I saw Noona hugging Mark Hyung.

"Noona!" I hugged Wendy.

She hugged back.

"Taeyhung-ah!" She hugged back I looked at Mark Hyung but He's looking with me in anger.

"Taehyung-ah! What's Your Class?" Noona asked me.

"English" I said excitedly

"Let's go together!" Excited Noona.

And she slip her hand on my hand and I put my hand over her shoulder Leaving Mark Hyung behind.

Ha! You thought that I didn't know that Mark hyung was making jealous yesterday?

Well guess what? REVENGE!!

"But Wendy!" Mark hyung patted Wendy Noona's shoulder "I thought we'll go together!"

Noona looked at me then she looked back at Mark Hyung "Ah. Let's go together!"

I smirked and then We went in class.

Wendy's POV:

I'm at my sit looking at the beautiful scenery outside..

The flowers. Trees. It's so calm

But suddenly someone popped out!

I was shocked!.

Ugh Jackson!!

He started to make funny faces.

Which made me laugh. And My Classmates thought that I was crazy.

"You have something to say Mrs. Son?" The professor said

I shooked my head.

"Why are you laughing?" Mark whispered.

"It's Jackson" I whispered back.

After class I went to find Jackson.

"Ey Wendy!" JACKSONNNN!!!!

I slapped his arm playfully.

"Yah! What was that for?" He shrieked

"My Professor scolded me infront of the whole class because of you" I said acting mad.

"Oh! I'm so sorry Wendy-sshi!" He then cupped my face "I'm sorry"

"Eh Yah! What are you doing?" I said angrily (I'm just faking it tho)

"How Can I make it up to you?" He asked while he slid his arm around my shoulder.

"Hmmmm..... ICE CREAM!!" I shouted.

"When's your free time?" Jackson said

"Aboutttt" I checked my wristwatch "Right Now"

"Let's Go!" Then We went to the ice cream shop

Mark's POV:

Wendy didn't wait for me and went out.

I wanted to bring her out!!

But I heard her voice!

"ICE CREAM!!" I checked where that voice came from but When I was there. I couldn't find her.

"Looking for someone Mark?" I turned around.

Ugh! It's Jihyeo. Momo and Chaeyoung

"Have you seen Wendy?" I asked while my sweat is running down

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