Chapter 6

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Mark's POV:

I went to my house. Went inside my room and in the C.R

I didn't feel like going to class today

I cried.


I called her.

Wendy: Hello?
Mark: Wendy
Wendy: Who is this please
Mark: It's your Oppa. Mark Oppa
Wendy: Mark. I don't have time for jokes. What do you want?
Mark: I want you
Wendy: Me? Come on Mark! I'm being serious.
I was about to say I LOVE YOU.

But It went black.

Wendy's POV:

Mark: I Love Y-
Wendy: Mark?! Mark?!?! Yah Tuan Yi-Eun! Oppa!!!

*end call*

Taehyung and I decided to hangout in the Canteen.

God! What happened to My Markie?!?!

"Everything alright Yeobo?" Taehyung said.

"I-I need to go somewhere" I panted

"I'll come with you" He stood up

"No it's fine. I'll be back" I then ran and I was finding for Bambam

"Bam" I shouted.

"Noona! Everything alright?" Bambam hugged me.

"Tell me where's Mark's House?!?!?!" I said in my breathes.

He then told me and I ran.

I went inside his room and I opened his Bathroom.

And I saw him lying on the floor.

I put him in his bed with all my strenght

I then put and Ice Pack in his forehead and went down to change.

Mark's POV:

I opened my eyes and I looked everywhere.

How Did I get here?

I tried to sit but my back hurts.

And I touched my forehead and there's an Ice Pack.

Someone went inside my room.

"Oppa. Thank Goodness you're awake" MY WENDY!

"Seung Wan?" I asked "How did I get here? And How did YOU get here?"

"Well. You called and then you said something that's let's not talk about and you weren't answering me and I asked Bambam where's your house and I came as fast as I can and I opened your room since it's open and I opened your Bathroom and I saw you lying down and I carried you in your Bed and I put an Ice Pack. Because you passed out" She said.

"What did I say?" I asked.

"W-well let's just not talk about tha-"

"Seung Wan. What did I say?" I said.

"You said 'I Love Y'" She said "Oppa. I'm really sorry. I've been a real loser to you"

"Don't apologise Seung Wan" I calmed her "I should Be the one. I'm sorry that I called you a loser. It's not real. I was just afraid that I will loose you and I was such a jerk and I made it worse." I said

"D-do You L-love me O-oppa?" She asked shyly.

"Yes Seung Wan. When I met you" I said.

"I love you. I love you. I LOOOVVVEEE YYOOOUUUU" I said.

"Oppa. I didn't know you feel this way" She said in frustration "Why didn't you tell me earlier?!"

"Because I was scared that you'll say no" I said.

"Oppa. I always loved you" She said "Even though you're a jerk sometimes" She playfully punched my arm.

I just laughed.

"But You already have a Boyfriend" I said sadly.

"But you're my Oppa" She said "I can't let anything like this happen to you anymore"

My cheeks were hot.

"Oppa. Just give me some time. I'll tell Taehyung about it" She said "I need to go Oppa. Get Well"

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