BONUS Chapter

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Author's Note: I did this because I really miss making this story.... Enjoy!

Mark's POV:

*5 years later*

Here we are..... Wearing couple shirts,holding hands and cuddling in the bed...

"Hey Oppa.... I have to go........ We are gonna practice for our new song" She said

"Aw.... Okay" I said while acting sad...

I actually have something planned.....

Wendy's POV:

"Okay! That's a wrap! Thank you for your
cooperation!" Manager Unnie said...

"Bye Guys!" I said

"Ohh.... Good Luck Unnie" Yeri and Joy said

"Good Luck?" I asked

"They just said Good Luck" Seulgi said

"Oh Sush! Just go Wendy and have fun.... I'm gonna make these three behave.... Bye!" Irene Unnie said

What are they saying?!?! Good Luck?! Have Fun?!

My phone started ringing so I picked it up....

The caller ID says it's Mark Oppa

Wendy: Hello Oppa?
Mark: Wannie! Are you done?
Wendy:Yep... I'm going home now
Mark: Can you go to ***** Garden?
Wendy:What for?
Mark:Just please?
Wendy: Ok Ok Bye! See you there

I hung up and started to go to the garden....

As I reached the garden.....

"Wow" I said to myself

There were lights hanging and really pretty flowers arranged orderly...

On a wall there was a poster that said 'M ♡ W'

Mark Oppa popped out of nowhere and stood infront of me and offered a rose

I thanked him and took the rose....

"I have something to tell you.... And I have been planning this eversince we have became a couple"

He kneeled on one knee and took out something

"Son Seung Wan... or my Dearest Wendy Son..... Will you marry me?"

I burst out of tears of joy........

I nodded in excitement

He took out the beautiful diamond ring out of the box and he placed it on my ring finger.....

He also had tears of joy.... I wiped his tears on his face.....

"I am now engaged with you Wendy" He said and kissed my cheek.....

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