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"harry, you are home early." liam sits on the couch. together with louis. louis seems to still concentrate and liam has his phone in the hand. probably texting niall, his boyfriend.

"you are wrong. i'm on time. the intruder is you, liam." harry frowns after that, sits down his bag and peels himself out of his jacket.

"harry, did you know there once was a war which lasted 30 years?! i mean, that's really a lot, isn't it?" louis glows while telling harry this historical fact.

"yeah, i knew." harry chuckles and disappears into the kitchen. he comes back with a glass of water in his hand. then he sits down next to louis. so the small boy is surrounded by the two handsome men.

"he is doing well. i told him he should just read over historical stuff. to just... know it i guess?" liam smiles at louis, who is sucking on his pencil again, forehead scrunched up in concentration.

"oh, that sounds nice, but why are you still here?" harry drinks a bit of water. louis watches him out of the corner of his eye. harry looks so elegant when he drinks, louis notices.

he noticed before but still.

harry is beautiful.

"louis told me he wants me to because he gets bored easily and when he is distracted he won't learn."

"you are here to tell him to read?" harry quirks a brow amusedly. sounds like louis. definitely.

"yep." liam popps the p and looks at his phone, incoming text.

"okay, i guess i'll leave now. louis, stay strong and be good." liam winks at louis.

who nods and gets red. he shyly looks in his lap and thinks about just hitting stupid liam in the belly.

but he doesn't.

harry goes together with liam to the door and liam sighs. "harold, it's an honor for me to teach your little lou but... you know i think he should go to a public school. i really love teaching him but i think the things he has to improve in, he can do in school. with others. he has to socialize."

harry frowns. "but he.. you teach him for half a year now."

"yeah, what's wrong with that?"

"only half a year..."

"harry, louis is damn smart. he will cope with things and he needs a school and hobbies. you and i are his only friends. it can't stay like that. he gets lonely so easily nowadays. didn't you notice?"

"no, i actually didn't." harry mumbles and looks down at his shoes he still wears.

"think about it. i will write something like a testimonial for him and you can effort a good school. you have the money and isn't this what you wanted for him? support? an education?"

"don't go all mentor on me, i swear." harry means it but he knows liam is right.

louis needs a school, he needs friends his age.

he will still be his kitten, right?

it's not like louis will just fly away on a magic carpet and never come back.

it's not like all these friends will tell him harry is just a stupid hybrid.

it's not like-

it will probably just that.

harry sighs. no.

he can't let louis go just yet.


"harry, did you know the 20th century was full of horrible wars?"

"you seem a little bit obsessed with wars." harry munches on his instant noodles and watches louis.

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