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the mall is not really empty on saturday. actually it is quite packed and harry is a bit moaning about having to be here. he isn't used to so many people pressed in one center. all running around with bags and ice cream.

but he does it all for louis. because louis wants something as reward for his good essay about cats.

it's a little bit awkward first, when louis grabs harry's hand and harry stares down at the smiley boy and realizes that this is probably just louis being innocent and drawn to him.

it is not even a move or something. it's just louis wanting to hold a big hand in his small one.

"do you know where the shop is, harry?" he asks in his cute voice. he grins up to harry.

"no, i don't but we'll find out."

they finally stand in front of the big plan of the mall which tells them that the shop they search for, is on the first floor.

they take the escalator and louis seems at his happiest he's ever been.

"did you go to malls often? i mean... as a child... or even after.. you know..." harry stutters again. it always happens when he tries to ask louis about his life on the streets. he feels sorry for the young man and he doesn't think that louis likes to talk about being homeless.

"i wasn't in a mall for years, sir." sometimes louis slips into this stranger-mood where he thinks he doesn't know harry well enough to call him by his first name. he sticks to sir then.

harry doesn't get aroused. no.

when they reach the first floor, they look around to search for the sign. yes, there it is.

the shop is medium sized. not as big as h&m and not as small as one of the boutiques.

"there!" louis shouts exited and a little bit too loudly.

harry laughs quietly. "yes, love. i see it."

louis blushes.

the shop isn't packed. there is playing quiet music in the background and a girl stands behind the vounter. she seems to be writing something down, while talking to herself.

harry looks around and sees all this stuff he has never needed.

never ever will.

harry hates carnival. he hates halloween, he hates to dress up as something he is not.

he once did, but got bullied for that.

"didn't know there were police cats, styles! you should have dressed up as a mouse, that would have been more fun."

the laughter. harry still hears the laughter in his ears.

which twitch now, thinking about this horrible experience.

harry realises louis isn't holding his hand anymore, so he looks around to find him at the counter, speaking to the girl.

she smiles brightly and nods.

harry loves that louis can be so fully open when he feels like it. yes, he has a shy side but when he is exited he forgets that and just... does things.

like talking to a cat hybrid in a coffee shop for example.

"they are over here, sir." the girl points at one corner, louis thanks her.

he looks back and sees harry watching him with a small smile. then he runs up to harry and grabs his arm. "i found them."

and before harry can even say okay, he stands in front of a wall plastered in cat costumes. and other animals.

louis is too small to get the one of the top. "i want this one." he points at it, pouts cutely.

harry stands on his tiptoes and gets it for him. "white. you sure?" he frowns.

"yes! white, white, white! i always felt like a white kitty, you know?"

harry doesn't know exactly how much cuteness he can handle before dying.

"you did?" he smiles at louis.

the small one nods and gets it. "can i try it on, please?"

"of course you can. i think the dressing rooms are there." harry shows louis the small cabins next to them.

"yes." louis cheers happily and jumps right into the first he sees.

while waiting for a ball of fluff dressed in a kitty costume, the girl comes up behind harry. "is that your sunshine?"

harry looks back at her, raises an eyebrow. "yes, he kind of is."

"he is really cute. are you... a couple?" she smiles.

"ehm..." harry's heart wants to say yes. because he wants louis to be his boyfriend but he can't.

firstly they are just not a couple. and secondly no one can know the famous ceo mister styles is gay.

"no. i'm kind of... his supporter..."

"supporter?" the girl raises an eyebrow now, looks like she doesn't believe harry at all.

"yeah, i mean... it's complicated."

if harry could read minds, he would have heard how the girl thought that she damn not imagined those stares and this tension between the two men but won't say anything because harry is a costumer after all.

"ready?" louis asks shyly from inside.

harry's head whips around, his neck cracks slightly and the girl next to him giggles.

louis comes out with little kitten ears poking out of his messy brown hair and a tail behind him. in the same colour.

"wow." harry gulps.

the girl looks louis up and down. "you sure you want white? i think black would suit your hair colour more..."

louis frowns. "no, thanks. i like white. i'm a white kitten."

he throws his hands in front of his mouth quickly and his eyes widen in shame.

harry and the girl chuckle and then she tells them they could get harry a fitting one.

"ahem... i'm actually a cat hybrid so no, thank you." harry is nervous. he hates to tell people that he isn't wearing a costume.

"oh... but maybe another one then? something?"

"a mouse." louis giggles and after getting a death stare by harry, shuts up about it.

well, louis is certainly happy now. he can be a kitty at home.


okay does anyone watch misfits?? just... i'm watching the second season and i died two episodes ago...

nathan and simon. dear godddd!!!

people please tell me you watch it so we can fangirl and cry together, yeah? i don't think i'll be mentally stable for long.. urghhh

so yes louis is a white kitty now...

what do you want him to do at home?? any wishes and requests? tell mehh. :33

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