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Long, elegant fingers hovered over the large collection of nail-polish bottles. A feminine voice hummed as the young woman carefully considered each nail-polish.
Karai was hardly the girly type, but she allowed herself to indulge in nail-polish often. She wasn't going to care about any of her father's adoptive sons' mockery over her feminine interest. Especially since she was far too busy picking what color or colors she was going to use now. Karai gingerly lifted up two nail polish bottles as if she was playing a game of chess. One bottle was filled with rich black paint called 'Black as Ebony' and the other contained paint that was a bright red called 'Bloody Rose'. These were Karia's favorites and she normally used them. But today, she was in the mood for something different.
She placed the two bottles pack in their original spots and proceeded to choose. What will it be today? she wondered. Her piercing yellow eyes examined bottle after bottle.
'Sunset Orange'? Pass.
'Pinkest Seashell'? As if.
'Honeybee Gold'? No.
'Lilacs and Violets'? Uh-uh.
Soon, Karai's fingers lifted up another different bottle. She stopped. This bottle was filled with a familiar looking shade of blue that made one of Karai's eyebrows rise in intrigue. On top of the the bottle's cap, the sticker said, 'Undersea Love'. Karai now held the bottle of nail-polish in her palm with her eyes still attached to it. She remembered holding this same type of blue in her fingers in the form of twin tails attached to a mask. Karai smirked. Her eyes darted back to her nail-polish collection. She reached back to it and pulled out a few bottles of varying green shades. Her eyes wandered over their titles until she stopped at one of them...and she had burst out laughing. Oh, this was going to be fun....


Karai sipped from her tea as she stared at the TV. Next to her, on the couch, was a tall humanoid turtle with royal blue eyes and a mask that she now considered an 'Undersea Love' hue. This made her grin a little. Suddenly, Karai stretched and moved her legs onto the couch and laid themselves across Leonardo's lap. The boy's eyes widened and his cheeks quickly changed into a fiery red as if he was a chameleon instead of a turtle. "Uuhhmm...y-you comfortable, Karai?" he stuttered. Karai grinned like a cheshire cat. "Yes, yes I am." she said contently. Leonardo rolled his eyes while shaking his head.
His attention turned to her toes. He chuckled. "Nice colors, by the way." he complimented her. Karai's head was turned to the screen, but she shifted her eyes to him and gave him a wink while she wiggled her toes, whose nails were now painted with stripes of 'Undersea Love' and a green color that her nail-polishes called 'Turtle Scales'.

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