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" many stars do you think are in the sky?"

"I dunno. It's hard to say, but let's just say a whole lot. Like, a LOT."

"Hhmm, I guess so."

"Isn't that something you should ask Donatello? He's the genius."

"Well, yeah, but he would've given a specific answer, and a good one at that. It would be over like that."

"Why would that disappoint you?"

"Because, I like having conversations about these things."


"I like the talks that follow questions. They're nice."

"You're weird."
"Why do wear blue, Leo?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I'm just curious."

"Master Splinter had given us our masks when we were small. I honestly don't know why."

"Hm. Well, I think blue fits you."


"Definitely. After all, the color blue means calm, good, and wisdom and loyalty and all the other positive stuff."

"Thanks, Karai."

"...that, and it looks hot on you."

"Hey, Leo."

"Yeah, Karai?"

"Have you ever seen Jaws?"

"What's that?"

"Are you serious?? It's a classic."

"I've spent my life underground, Karai. I'm not as immersed in popular culture as you are."

"I know that, but c'mon. Everyone knows what Jaws is."

"Is it a movie?"


"What's it about?"

"A shark."

"That's it?"

"A shark that eats people, Leo."

"That...can't be right."

"It's not, but that's what makes it cool. Besides, it's a movie."

"Sharks don't eat humans."

"They don't, but they bite 'em."

"That's different. Sharks confuse people in water as seals or other things. They never eat them."

"Like I said, it's a movie."

"Still, a shark that eats human beings? That's physically impossible."

"Says the giant, walking-talking ninja turtle."
"Karai, what would you do for a Klondike bar?"

"You did not just ask me that."


"Aren't you supposed to be 16 or something?"

"Answer the questions already, Karai!"

"It's pointless. It's just an ice-cream bar."

"But they're delicious."

"But it's still just an ice-cream bar. It's worthless, has no actual value. You eat it and that's it."

"Fair point. It's a fun question, though."

"Whatever you say, Leo."





"What would you do for a kiss, though?"

"You mean the Hershey chocolate?"

"...Actually, no."



"Am I ugly?"


"Face it; I'm a serpentine mutant. Not many people find that appealing. And it especially applies to a cold-hearted bitch."

"Karai....where is this coming from? I've never seen you like this."

"It''s just a question, Leo."

"'s all not true."

"I'm ugly. In and out. It's a fact."

"No it isn't! You're beautiful, Karai. In your own way."


"You're beautiful. As a snake, as a human being, inside and outside."

" you really think so?"

"I know so. And anyone who doesn't....well, that's their problem."

"...Thank you...Leo."

"No problem, Karai."
"Can I tell you something, Karai?"

"Sure, Leo."

"'s pretty personal's kind of big..."

"What is it?"

"Well, uhm...I-I have a friend of mine a-and he, uh, has these...strong feelings for a girl."

"Ookkaayy. What else?"

"And he's, uhh, nervous about it b-because he's not sure if she..feels the same way and...and...if he can even tell her."


" you think he should do about that? I-I mean, you're a girl too and--"

"I get it, Leo. I get it. Honestly, something tells me this friend of yours might be a good person."

"Well...he's actually not human."

"I'm not surprised, but that doesn't count. He's a person, too, just in his own way. I'm sure she likes him too."


"Of course. I'm sure he's a very good guy, an amazing one at that. I bet you anything she likes him, even if she might be far from a saint or anything like that."


"And I think he should just stop beating around the bush and tell her already."


"Oh, and Leo...?"


"You're so awful at subtlety."


"Come here, you dork. I like you too."

"Yes, Karai?"

"I-I....I love you."


"I love you, but....but do you love me, too?"

"...Karai....yes. Yes, I do love you."

"You sure....?"

"Would I call you my girlfriend for this long if I didn't?"

"Guys do a lot to get into a girl's pants."

"Not this one."


"Seriously, Karai....I love you so much...."

"....I love you too, Leo...."


"....will you marry me?"



"....Is that a rhetorical question?"


"The answer is obviously 'yes', dummy."

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