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"Once upon a time, an angel and a demon fell in love.
It did not end well."

What if this time....it did?

Dear Leonardo,

It is me. Karai. I have written this for your eyes only and I have sent this to you in secret for nobody can know of this. Not Shredder, not your brothers, not Splinter, nor your friends. Nobody. I wanted to write to you because (and I do not know how to put this) I am very confused right now.
Allow me to explain, Leonardo: I believe you are familiar with that story called 'Romeo and Juliet'? It's just like any other normal love story. Boy meets girl. Girl meets boy. They both fall in love. But they are from two families who despise each other with burning passion, thus their love is forbidden. Ring a bell to you? Well, they do end up together (in an odd way, I suppose). But what if they didn't? They were very in love and did not exactly see what dangers they would face for their forbidden romance. You never do precisely see the risks and downsides. You can never be so sure what could happen. Nothing is guaranteed, nothing is promised. Leonardo, do you think we're alike to Romeo and Juliet? After all, my father, the Shredder, would lock me away in a cage for the rest of my life and surely decapitate you if he knew of us. As for you, I am sure your brothers would be shocked and rather upset that you, their own brother and their leader, was involved with not only Foot Clan assassin, but their own mortal enemy's daughter. I would feel the same way if I was them. And your father...I do not know how he would react yet I know it would possibly be not so pleased. Leonardo, let me say this: I love you. I do. I know it is hard to believe since it's, well, me. But I swear with all my heart, that I am being sincere with you. However, I need to ask you this: what on Earth are you doing with me? I am the Shredder's daughter, a Foot Clan kunoichi, a criminal. I am well aware that your brothers and your friends think I am bad news and they tell you that. And they are not too wrong. I'm no saint, nor angel. I have done things. I (literally) have evil in my blood. I guess you could say I am some kind of demon thus I belong in Hell. Even though I am not sure if there really is an afterlife, I am fairly sure that if there is, the place called Hell is most likely where I am heading.
You, Leonardo, on the other hand are the complete opposite; you are good. A hero. You have it inside of you, you always have and always will. You save people and protect them, you remain loyal and trust those you love and others, you brave the dark side and fight it with much passion. There is obviously a spot in Heaven with your name engraved in it.
And that is why I wonder why you are interested in me. What do you want with me? I know you say that there is good in me and you believe in me, but why? Even I don't believe in myself. There are plenty of times where I doubt there is a shred of good in me. Unlike you, I have no traces of a halo. Just horns and a speared tail with Hellfire in me. We have paths leading in much different ways, but you try so hard to sway me to yours.
I love you, Leonardo. But do you love me? And why would you? What do you see in me? Are you wondering what I see in you?
I love you because you are different from me. It's strange, but for some reason it draws me to you. You are honest, you are determined, you are brave, a terrific fighter, but at the same time, you still possess almost juvenile-like qualities. Part of you is quirky and makes you a dork, but perhaps that's also why I am so fond of you. But it's a fondness that is not allowed. We can't touch each other, talk to each other, not even look at each other. And it's all because my father only desires the blood of you and your family splattered on his blades and your family desires to destroy mine because we are so evil. And we are. Myself included. You are supposed to fight evil but you refuse to fight me. You treat me like a dear friend instead of an enemy and you put so much trust and belief in me even though I am what you loathe and want to exterminate. We could not last and we could not be together. Evil and good do not mix. Yet I still love you. I just wanted to tell you that. I do love you but.....I cannot. We're not compatible and I doubt we would go together so well. We're two pieces from two extremely different puzzles. So tell me, Leonardo: why do you like me? What is it you see in me?




I read your letter. Don't worry, nobody else knows about it. I swear. In fact, as soon as I finish this letter, I think I might burn yours just to be safe. The reason I'm writing back to you is that I have a lot to say in answer to your letter. Karai, I couldn't believe it when you said that you loved me. It was amazing. Because the truth is that I love you, too. I've wanted to say that for quite a while now. I was also stunned but what else you said. Now let me say what I think; yeah, I know that you're the Shredder's daughter and you're in the Foot Clan. And I know that I'm a good guy, the kind that fights the bad, including your father and the Foot Clan. Our fathers are rivals and so are our clans. But that does not mean we should be too. We're individuals, not a whole with our sides. I honestly don't care what anyone else would think of you and me. If they object and complain, so what? You don't choose who you fall in love with and you don't just automatically stop. That's not how it works. Nobody has any control whatsoever over something like this. Not you, not even me, and nobody else. There are hardly any rules to love and you don't go trying to make some. And Karai, let me tell you this. You are NOT evil. You are NOT a criminal.
You're right about not being a saint or an angel, but you're wrong about the other parts. You're a human being, Karai. And in a way, so am I. Nobody is perfect. I believe in you and I trust you so much is because I don't think there's good in you, I KNOW there is. You may be Shredder's kid, but you're nothing like him. Unlike him, you lack a black heart and you're not a monster. You're far from it. The reasons I love you is because I know you are more capable of things than you think you are, you are an exciting person, you are one of a kind, you're beautiful inside and out, and you're overall an amazing person. I want to help you. I want to continue being there for you.
Not everything is so black and white. There are parts that are gray. I only wish that others would see that. I used to believe the world was divided into black and white, but that was until I met you and realized that there are bits and pieces that are a beautiful gray like you. It's confusing, but sometimes it's wonderful. I want you to know what I love you for yourself and I would never give a damn about what anyone else would think and that I know you are not a bad person. I would never give up on you. I never will.


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