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Oh my God, this has taken SO LONG and I am so, so, so, so sorry! Why do you keep getting in the way, School and Life!?!? But despite it all, I give you the latest chapter of the Leorai A-Z Challenge!! :D
P.S. This is an AU fic.


He saw nothing. It's all you see when you have your eyes closed, I suppose; but you see blackness, so that probably hardly counts as nothing.
Nothing was all Leonardo saw.
He knew something was wrong. Of course he could smell and hear things as well as feel them, since at that very moment he could hear the muffled sound of crickets chirping; he could smell the soft scent of soap and air freshener; and he could feel his body lying in something hardened but very smooth and liquid drowning his body.
But that was it. Nothing else.
Leonardo couldn't move nor talk. Strange, since his mind was just as active as it always had been. But somehow he couldn't open his eyes, he couldn't form a single sound, and he couldn't lift even a finger. Like any person would, he felt panic wrap itself around his body and smother it as if it was an anaconda. After hearing the somber voices he quickly recognized as his brothers and friends, Leo soon realized what was going on while he processed exactly what they were saying.

He was in a coma.

He had no idea how long it was. He was in some kind of timeless zone. He couldn't even tell if it was seconds passing by or hours. He didn't know if it was days or weeks......God, please, don't let it be months or years. Neither of those. Leonardo hoped he woke up soon. His brothers and friends needed him and even though he always heard their voices and they would always talk to him in spite of his inability to speak he missed them terribly.
Until he woke up, Leo had no choice but to remain a corpse with a beating heart and a crowded conscience.
A very crowded conscience.
He thought of everything and everyone: New York City, the Kraang, the Foot Clan, Splinter, Raph, Mikey, Donnie, himself, April, Casey, the lair, Shredder.....

....and Karai....

Karai. He missed her. Leo couldn't help but wonder how she was.
He sighed, internally of course. Leo's scales shuddered as he suddenly felt a cool breeze blow ticklishly across his reptilian scales. Strange....considering how the window wasn't open. Leo couldn't see it open, of course, but the house was old so whenever the window was opened it would make a noticeable noise often. This time, the sound was softer as the window was opened more gently. Leo's senses perked up at this. Was there an intruder?
Leo felt panic rush through him and he frantically wished that he woke up right then and there to protect his family from the intruder.
He heard the soft, slow footsteps of careful feet lurching towards him. Fear gripped Leo.
The steps drew closer and closer to him and then.....

Everything stopped for Leo. Everything was quiet. But now, almost immediately, his nostrils were filled with a certain scent. One that was odd but familiar and rather....sweet?
The aroma was of sakura and jasmines with a small smoky hint in it. Leo would've flinched if he could when he felt something soft and smooth press against his skin. Along with that, he felt something also soft but with a stronger aroma of the jasmines brush against his face. Something touched his face tenderly. It felt like...a hand? As the hand touched his jaw, he felt a small portion of something soft and warm touch his temple sweetly. Was someone KISSING him?
He felt skin--human skin--press against him as hands cradled his head and someone's head press against his. It should've felt strange, but Leo felt quite calm and liked this sensation. At the same time, he couldn't help but feel the nagging thought that whoever was doing this was someone he knew very, very well. It all felt too familiar, but also too foreign.
The smoke but still sweet aroma of jasmines and sakura....the soft and smooth skin....the lips...the sensation of hair tickling his scales.......


Leo felt like his thoughts had hit him with a ton of bricks when he realized it. Before he could think any further, a voice spoke up. The voice was smooth and quite feminine and oh-so familiar, as well as spoke quietly so no one else could hear and affectionately. At the same time, the voice's tone sounded somber, almost mournful.
The voice whispered to Leo, "Please be okay, Leonardo. Wake up soon."
Leo could've sworn his heart had came to an abrupt halt at that very moment. There was moment of silence until the voice made her last comment:

".......I love you too much to lose you too soon and especially like this......."

With that, Leo's heart exploded like it was filled with a truckload of dynamite. The human form released him slowly and carefully and he heard the faint, stealthy footsteps once again before he heard the window close.
Almost like magic, Leo was miraculously able to utter out only one tiny word hoarsely and in a trembling manner:


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