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Sorry that it's been a while but here it is! Were so close to the ending! I don't know whether to be glad that I've finished this or sad that it's over.

       Leo looked up as soon he sensed someone standing in his doorway. He had almost spat out the tea he was drinking before he went to bed. The cause of his shock stood only a few feet away in the form of Karai....dressed as a traditional Japanese geisha. She wore a red kimono that showed her shoulders seductively with he hair done up in an elegant Japanese updo with hair ornaments decorating it. She smiled seductively at the flabbergasted turtle.
     "Konichiwa, Leonardo-san." she greeted him, her voice oozing with a sultriness. Leo said nothing. His eyes were huge and his mind was racing (much like his pulse). He was stunned by Karai's daring act of seduction via imitating their beloved heritage.
    And, boy, she was succeeding wonderfully.

      "K-Karai...." he stuttered out finally. Karai began to walk towards him. As she did so, she walked so gracefully and so smoothly it was almost like she was a human gliding beautifully across the sky. She also swayed her hips like the alluring seductress she was. Once she reached him, she looked up at him and smiled coyly.
     Suddenly, her face contorted into a mock-worried expression. "Oh! Leonardo-san! You look unwell...is everything alright?" she asked him, sounding "worried". Leonardo stumbled on his words. "I-I...uuhhhhhhh....."
Karai's hand reached for his face. Her long, elegant fingers touched his forehead. She gasped. "Goodness, Leonardo-san! You're burning up!" she said.
     "....uh-huh...." was all Leo could say. Karai cupped his face affectionately as she pouted for him. "My poor kappa love, you are unwell. You need to lie down."
      Karai led Leo to his bed and lied him down on it. She bowed to him and kissed his cheek. Leo blushed so horrible, his face looked more like a red jelly bean rather than a green turtle head. Karai touched her lips and gasped. "Oh, dear. It seems my kissing you has made me sick as well!" she said. She looked down at Leo and sighed. "Now I have to lie down." she stated. Leo gulped as Karai began to join him. She fanned herself off with a lovely Japanese fan she had tucked in her obi. "It's sssooooo hot." she whimpered. Leo watched as she suddenly began to undo her obi and shimmy out of her kimono. She paused and eyes Leo. "I believe I know why I feel so heated and faint..." she began. Leo gulped again. Karai leaned in towards his face, her red lips mere inches away from his lips. Finally, she whispered, "....it is because I am in the company of a rather sexy young gentleturtle." And she smiled before finally kissing him.

Leorai A-Z ChallenegeWhere stories live. Discover now