3|| Harry

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The youngest red headed boy peered anxiously through the door. "Mind if I join you? Everywhere else is full."

"No problem," Harry said immediately, nodding to all the empty seats around him. The boy sat down, a little nervously.

"Hey, Ron." The twins were back.

"We're going down to the middle of the train— Lee Jordan's got a giant tarantula." The twin who spoke let his face break out in an evil grin. "Want to come with?"

Ron turned a brilliant shade of red. "No."

"Ah, Harry!" The other one said brightly. "Did we introduce ourselves? Fred and George Weasley. And this pumpkin is Ron, our brother. See you around, then."

They vanished back into the hallway.

Ron pursed his lips, then seemed unable to hold it in any longer. "Are you really Harry Potter?" He blurted out.

Harry nodded uncomfortably.

"Oh— well, I thought it might be one of Fred and George's jokes," Ron explained. "And you really have got— you know..."

Harry, sensing what Ron was asking about, pulled back his bangs and revealed his lightning-shaped scar. Ron stared.

"So that's where You-Know-Who—?"

"Yeah," Harry nodded. "But I can't remember it. Well, just a load of green light, but nothing else."

Ron stared. "Wow."

"Are all your family wizards, then?" Harry asked Ron, finding him as interesting as Ron found him.

Ron shrugged. "Yes— I think so," he said. "Mum's got a second cousin who's an accountant, but we never really talk about him."

"So you must know loads of magic already, then."

Ron shrugged again, about to speak up, when the compartment door slid open. They hadn't even noticed that Fred and George closed it.

"So you're Harry Potter?" The pale boy from Diagon Alley was back, along with two very big friends.

"Yes," Harry said shortly, eyeing the boys on either side of the pale one. They were both enormous.

"Oh, this is Crabbe and Goyle," the boy said dismissively, like it was normal to have two hulking figures following him everywhere. "And I'm Malfoy. Draco Malfoy."

"Wow," a bored voice came from behind them. "You must be really important to have to say your name twice."

Malfoy turned around and backed into the compartment.

Harry recognized them immediately as the four kids from the station that he had first seen. Upon closer inspection, they all had hardened, worn expressions and a mysterious glint to their eyes. The boy who spoke didn't move to go into the compartment— something Harry was grateful for. It was crowded enough as Crabbe and Goyle took up about a third of the space.

Malfoy stood face to face with the kid. "And who do you think you are?" he spat at him.

The first boy smiled mockingly. "I'm Jackson. Percy Jackson."

"Well, Jackson, you'd better watch out. That mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble someday." Malfoy stood to his full height and glared down at him. His two bodyguards cracked their knuckles threateningly.

At first it was silent, and Harry thought that the students decided to not mess with Malfoy and his bodyguards. But his guess was proven wrong as all four of them suddenly burst out into such laughter, you'd think that Malfoy had a llama for a head. Malfoy (llama head free) flinched in surprise, then scowled and pushed himself out of the compartment. Crabbe and Goyle followed with some difficulty.

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