15|| Harry

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Harry was exhausted. The exams were coming up and Hermione was nagging everyone to study. As perfect students, she and Annabeth were helping the other five study, which became annoying very quickly.

They spent their breaks in the library researching and doing all the homework the teachers piled up. Poor Percy, Nico, and Thalia were having trouble reading and sitting still. Even brilliant Annabeth was going through each book at a turtle's pace.

"Hagrid?" Ron asked, distracting the others. "What are you doing here?"

"Jus' lookin'," He said vaguely. "What're you lot up to? Not still lookin' fer Flamel are yeh?"

"Nope," Ron said happily. "We figured out who he is, and what that dog's guarding. It's the Sor—"

"Shhhhh!" The others hushed him sharply.

"You can't just go around shouting that! What's wrong with you?" Hagrid scolded. "Come an' see me later. I'm not sayin' I'll tell yeh anythin', but—"

"See you later then," Harry said.

Hagrid shuffled off.

"What was he hiding behind his back?" Nico wondered.

"I'll go check," Percy volunteered, jumping up.

He returned with a stack of books. "Dragons! Hagrid was in a section about dragons! I didn't know they had dragons in England."

"Of course they do" Thalia rolled her eyes. "Do you think monsters are limited to America? There were these—" she stopped.

"Hagrid's always wanted a dragon, he told me so," Harry said.

"Yeah, but it's against our laws. We can't just keep dragons in our backyard— the muggles will notice" said Ron. "They're really dangerous— you should see the burns my brother Charlie's got off wild ones in Romania."

"So what's Hagrid up to?" Hermione wondered.


All the curtains and doors were closed to the gamekeeper's hut. Hagrid peeked through the door and let them in quickly.

Inside was overly hot, but the Americans seemed not bothered. Hagrid offered them tea and sandwiches, which they refused politely.

"So, yeh wanted to know something?"

"Yeah. We were wondering if you could tell us what's guarding the Stone besides Fluffy," Harry said blatantly.

Hagrid almost laughed, but he stopped and frowned when he saw their dead serious faces. "O' course I can't," he said. "Yeh already know too much and besides, I don't know much myself."

"Wish Piper were here," Percy mumbled to Annabeth who nodded. Harry vaguely wondered who Piper was, but he was more concerned on the fact that Hagrid did know and he wasn't spilling it.

"Oh come on, Hagrid, you might not tell us, but you do know everything that goes around here." Hermione turned on her charm. Harry could tell Hagrid was smiling. "We just wondered who Dumbledore trusted enough to help him, apart from you."

Hagrid beamed. "Well, I don' suppose it would hurt to tell yeh that. . . so he borrowed Fluffy—" (Nico growled at the name) "—from me. . . some teachers did some spells, Professor Sprout— Professor Flitwick— Professor McGonagall—Professor Quirrell— Professor Snape— and Professor Dumbledore did something o' course."

Harry saw Percy, Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia look at each other.

"Snape?" Ron asked, dumbfounded.

When Myths Meet Magic || 1 || a Harry Potter-Percy Jackson crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now