11|| Thalia

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The Quidditch match terrified Thalia, even as a spectator. So many people, so high up, so many potential casualties. Harry didn't seem to be doing very well with finding the shiny golden ball. He was currently the highest of all and constantly looking down.

"Why don't you use your powers to summon the snitch to Harry?" Percy whispered to Thalia, drawing her attention away from a very high Harry.

Annabeth looked at her. "Can you do that? I mean, I've seen you summon lightning but never control the winds. Jason said he flies by controlling the winds, so why can't you?"

"I think it's like me and Hazel," Nico added. "I can control the dead, Hazel got the 'riches' part of Pluto. Maybe Thalia got lightning and Jason got winds."

"Or maybe," Percy teased, "Thals here just doesn't have it in her to be Zeus' kid."

A spark of annoyance flared through Thalia. "I can control the air just fine, thank you very much!"

"Prove it," Nico taunted.

Thalia turned to Harry again, who was still circling the field like a vulture. She reached into the air molecules and felt their freedom, their crazed, wild thoughts. Flicking her hand, she bent them to her will. They zoomed off in the form of the wind, swooping through the players. She felt their progress and had them blow the snitch to Harry.

Just as his broom jerked.

Losing control, the snitch flew at top speed to Harry — right into his mouth. He choked and fell and by sheer chance grabbed onto the broom with one hand. It was evident he was struggling to get back up. Thalia cursed the god of sad muscle mass of eleven-year old twigs.

"Thalia!" Annabeth grabbed her arm. "What are you doing?"

"I'm not doing anything!" Thalia tried to control the winds. She could sense they were swirling around Harry, stabling the broom, but only temporarily. Thalia gritted her teeth and focused harder, but she could tell some kind of magic was fighting her. A strong, experienced person was casting a spell. And the most likely candidate happened to be moving suspiciously.

"There!" Thalia pointed to Snape, whose mouth was moving nonstop. "He's being a hocus-pocus!"

Hermione followed her gaze and in an instant, was heading down the row towards him.

Thalia reached out her arm again and willed the wind even stronger. Harry's broom stabilized. Then it jerked. Then it stood perfectly still. Thalia heard a faint yelp, and saw Hermione making her way back from Snape, whose robes were smoking slightly. She gave a small smile.

Suddenly all the students were on their feet cheering. The six made their way to Harry, who was grinning broadly.

Thalia's good humor was quickly squashed in the minutes following their arrival to Hagrid's hut as Harry accused her of jinxing his broom. She barely even cared the three headed dog was named Fluffy. Also, what kind of a name was Fluffy?


You could really tell it was coming close to Christmas. There was a constant chill through the halls, and the dungeons were near frozen. All the fires were blazing with heat, and one day, Hogwarts woke up to a thick blanket of snow.

One of the few things that didn't change, however, was Malfoy's jerkiness in potions. "I feel so sorry," he said while looking straight at the seven, "for those who are staying here because their family rejected them."

Percy glanced at Harry, who was next to him, and saw that he was smiling slightly. Strange.

When the left potions, they found their way blocked by an enormous pine tree on its side. Thalia stiffened up at the toppled evergreen.

When Myths Meet Magic || 1 || a Harry Potter-Percy Jackson crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now