chapter 8

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I woke up really early that day. My mind kept on hearing people talking and laughing. Wait this isn't a dream, it's coming from downstairs.

I rose up and rushed down. Okay what's happening here.

"Oh Emma,"my mom called. "Yes?" "You didn't tell me that my future son in law's parents are them,"she said. Parents??Them?? What's going on here?? I must still be sleeping. I slapped myself.ouch am not asleep." What are you thinking?""oow! Its nothing. Your saying that they are...?" I was cut short by him.Jackson wang."Oh Emma babe! Meet my parents. Am sorry I didn't introduce them earlier,"he said and I stayed confused.

Didn't he say that his parents are strict???

"Ow, am sorry. Hello my name is Emma and am Jackson's fiancée,"I said with a cutest smile I ever did.they smiled back and nodded."ooh she is more beautiful and more matured than when we left her,"they said facing my mom and my mom just smiled."oow you wont imagine,she is one funny girl. Do you remember when they used to run around when they were 10? Jack and Emma couldn't survive without each other. I don't want even to recall when you had to move due to your business. My little Emma cried her lungs out. Well fate played it's part reuniting us, let's have a wonderful time together."

So we used to be best friends huh??!! Things couldn't get any complicated.

"So we were like best friend and I cried when he left which apparently I don't actually remember?"i asked." Yeah best friends. Everyone envied you guys, well he was and still the most handsome guy and you were his best friend,"mom replied. Why is she insisting on best friend. And what am I missing, he needs to explain to me NOW."May I borrow him for a while,you know... I haven't... Umm... I wanna talk to him,"I said and they started giggling.

We went to the backyard.

"Start talking,"I simply stated.

" I told my mom that we'll be going here whether they like it or not and they had no choice to come but since am not in good terms with my father my mom had to force her. We came here and they started shouting when they saw each other (the two mum's). I asked and they said they were childhood friends,"he talked,"and they postponed our wedding the day after tomorrow. Don't ask questions. Am still your boss." I just stood there like a pole.

"Btw,your mother said that you'll have to stay with me after we get married ," he winked.

Omg!! She told them that. "Hurry up !we must enter together ,"he continued.

I hate him so much

I walked towards him and he held my waist and pushed me towards his body. I stumbled a little and I placed my hand on his chest. My face facing his. He stared into my eyes, his eyes, this time is different. It was more like...

He came closer and closer... i dont know why but i closed my eyes.

I was taken aback when i noticed i closed my eyes for a minute and nothing happened.wait... nooo it cant be.

I haridly opened my eyes seeing him holding his laughter back. I couldnt help but to hide my face due to embarasment.

"Lets just go,"i said rushing inside.

So, things ended up this way. Like seriously, why is my life so messed up.


I spent that afternoon in the salon. My first time ofcourse. Jackson went back to the company. And I seriously have to talk again about my mother's condition with him. Well I thought bad about his mom when we accidentally met in his office that day.

I won't lie but I regret my decision because of Kyle. But what do I say since that thing occurred he never texted me,call me or anything. That made me feel bad, so bad actually I could just shout at a random person.

We did a lot of shopping,we went to luxurious shops. Jewellery were bought of different kind.

Just then,I saw Jackson. I think his mother texted him because we were going to buy the rings. I heard his mother say almost like a whisper,"you chose the right girl my big boy." We chose beautiful rings which obviously I just nodded to whatever they showed me.

We came out a while later. We saw many people, news reporter gathering and taking pictures. Then... at the far end I saw...

my stepfather.


I know I haven't uploaded for so long. I won't say of some problem, it's just that I lost interest in this story .again. I feel like people don't like it but anyways I'll be uploading now because I will try even if it's boring.

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