Chapter 6

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I imagine Liam Hemsworth as Chad. As I always say feel free to picture him as whom ever you want, this just who I imagine him to be.

Asher perspective

I woke up to my phone alarm, ringing in my ears.


The sound was so loud it, echoed through out the room. I groan in response hitting the end button, hard. I groan not wanting to face the day but to stay wrapped up in my warm bed. I roll over but was met with an unfamiluar feeling; a body next to me. I frantically get up in a cold sweat, staring at a naked Heather.

Ughh that's right I thought. I roll out of bed and get into the shower trying to remember last nights events.

Another summer party I sigh. At least i got laid although I couldn't remember anything.

I walk back into my room with a towel wrapped around my waist, my golden curls now slicked back from the weight of the water.

"Morning sexy" I see Heather in front of me, proudly showcasing her goods.

"Hi" I say in a bored expression. "I uhhh , have to go so help your self to anything in the fridge and close the door when u leave k."

She looked pissed from my response, I simply walk around her into my closet grabbing some sweats. I put my hair into a man bun, yah I said man bun. And slide on some trainers. I looked around my room grabbing my gym bag and a fresh towel.

A very annoying Heather meets me at the door again. "Um, are you gonna be long cause I'll have a special treat here waiting for you" she says biting down on her lip and pushing her breasts against my body.

I roll my eyes walking by her "I'll pass but it was nice."

I walk into the spacious kitchen, and start to make my usual protein shake. I look at the different protein powders before I decide on chocolate, also adding a banana along with skim milk to the blender. I pour the creamy contents into a bottle and grab it twisting on the lid as I walk out the door leaving naked Heather behind.

Okay guys so, it's been about two months since I arrived to balesview. And yah I have a naked girl in my bed and it seems rude to leave her there but I wasn't big on relationships just the occasional sexual encounter - fuck occasional i know i'm a man whore . I lived on my own in an apartment complex five minutes from Chad's house. I asked my parents to get me a loft because I knew my aunt and uncle had no extra space or money to feed another kid. They already had 4 kids and enough problems but I did go over for dinners the occasional week night and the mandatory Sunday dinners. I walked into the elevator and slide my keycard, pressing the Basement button.

I watched as the lights moved from right to left passing each floor. I lived in the penthouse although I didn't know why my parents would set me up their 17 year old son in a luxury building like this. Ding. The doors opened revealing a sea of concrete. I sighed walking to my car.

It was a fairly short drive to the park. I looked over and saw Kase who was waving at me.

"Hey man" he greets me.

"Hey" i respond jogging up to him.

"Ready for today's intense training" Kase asks with an evil look in his eye.

"Yayyy" i respond with a sacartic tone. I admit the regime Brad had me on was hard but it was working I was now more toned and buff than before and my Abs were more prominent earning many glares from girls when my shirt clinged to my body.

We jogged for a couple minutes before breaking out into push-ups, squats and other variations.

"100 each" Brad yelled from next to me.

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