Chapter 5

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I imagine this girl to be Courtney but with shorter hair. Sorry, I don't have her name but i thought she fit the bill. I'm writing Courtney as the airhead with hidden smarts. As I always say feel free to picture her as whom ever you want, this is just who I imagine her to be.

Kida's perspective

I open my eyes and was blinded by a sudden attack of light. Ughhh its morning already. I look over and see no Leena. I roll out of bed, with a throbbing headache, like someone was using my head as a drum.

I walk over to the bathroom almost unconsciously following the steps I've taken thousands of times. I looked up at the brightly lit vanity mirror, which seemed to highlight every pore and wrinkle scattered on my profile. Ughhh I looked like a mess. I had makeup all over my face making me look like the scariest clown, Pennywiser isn't not a good look on me. My hair was so tangled and knotted from my rough sleep, it would take hours to fix it. I sigh.

I walked back over to the bed, plopping my self on my back. I started to play a game of candy crush on my phone until boredom took over.

I lay there in complete silence, staring up at the white ceiling counting the number of lights leena had strung up.

Suddenly, I picked up my phone, I let myself become consumed in the moment. I laughed at the fact that I'm never spontaneous. I dialled a number from memory. 

I hear the number's sing as I press on them. Vibrating against my finger tips like a dance.

I click the call button and waited anxiously.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

"Hello", A sweet voice echoed in my ear.

"Hi Aunite Reen", I said chocking back the tears that were fighting to be set free.

"Hey baby, how's my favourite niece" she says overwhelming with happiness.

"Auntie Reen, I'm your only niece" I say snickering at the woman's compliment.
"anyway remember when you said I could spend the summer with you?"

"Yes, Dear", she says awkwardly.

"Well is the offer still on the table", I ask making my voice sound as sweet and innocent as possible.

"Of course love, just ask your parents and then we'll come up with a date for me to pick you up" she says as she couldn't hide her excitement. "sound good?"

I nodded even though I knew she couldn't see me.

"Can you possibly come by Monday or better yet tomorrow", I say eagerly.

"The sooner we get permission the sooner I'll come honey", she says reassuring me.

"Okay, bye Auntie Reen" I say almost childlike.

I look up to see Leena leaning against her doorway looking at me frowning. Her lip was curled over in a pout and her eyes were big and doe-like making her look younger.

She then walks towards me grabbing my hand before sitting down.

"Don't tell me your running away because of that douch bag" she says with a slight sob.

I sigh trying to rack some answers. I knew what I wanted to say but held back. I didn't want to upset her.

"Well" she said putting her hand on her hips and raising her eye brows. Only leena could bounce back from just a serious moment to her normal sassy self.

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