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MARCH 2014


   Coffee, has become something anyone living under this roof desperately needs in order to make it through the day. A time when I could get at least eight hours of undisturbed sleep seems like a time so long ago.

  Six months ago, I couldn't even imagine it being possible for a baby to take away so much sleep from you. Another thing that amazes me about babies is the fact that they can cry so loud! I'm across the hall from where the baby sleeps and her cry still manages to jerk me awake several times a night.

  Her name is Mollie, she's almost seven months old and she defiantly has lungs. Oh, here's an important fact, she's not my baby! She's my older brother, Dominick's daughter.

  However, despite it being his daughter who wakes everyone up. More than half of the time my parents are the ones who are up with her in the middle of the night. They're the ones who feed her, change her, and rock her back to sleep.

  What does Dominick do? Sleep, most of the times he'll put a pillow over his head and fall back to sleep and lets my parents handle it. Is he an irresponsible dad? At first glance, it appears so but if looking closer, it's clear he's just a scared-confused teen dad.

  Does he love Mollie? I'm actually not sure yet, I can't truly tell. I'm not with the two of them most of the time, which means I don't see their interactions. However, when I do see them together, it seems like Dominick is taking care of Mollie because he feels forced to. Not because he actually wants to take care of his daughter.

  Right now, I'm in my bedroom finishing up my essay about the water-cycle. Dominick is downstairs napping in the living room trying to catch up on some rest. Lately Mollie has been getting him up a lot more during the night.

  This, of course, means even less sleep for everyone. Mom believes that Mollie is just in the first stage of teething. Dad is so lucky that he's out of town on business. He gets the privilege of actually sleeping a solid six hours.

  I've been working on my essay for about an hour and half. In my book, that means I've earned a little ten minute break. Coming out of my room and going downstairs, I make sure to be as silent as possible. Dominick was able to put Mollie down for a little nap an hour ago. Apparently all afternoon he had been struggling with getting her to nap. Downstairs, I go into the kitchen and find some yogurt in the fridge.

  I walk out into the living room and turn on the TV. Dominick wakes up shortly after I settle on a TV program to watch.

"Do you have to watch TV right now?" he asks in a sleepy voice.

"You bet." I reply. Dominick lets out a yawn and tells me to just make sure to keep the volume on low. At first, I think it's because he wants to avoid any chance of waking Mollie up, but then I begin to think it's just so he can return to napping in peace and quiet.

  That's not going to happen. I pretty much got the same amount of sleep he did, but i don't get to nap. I make it a mission to prevent Dominick from napping. I make sure to make lots of comments about the show.

  Eventually Dominick gives up on any chance of returning to his nap and joins me in watching TV. It's not long before my ten minute break turns into a thirty-minute break with no plans of ending.

  It's not my fault all the good shows air at this time of the evening. 'What time is it?" Dominick asks. I take a quick look at my pink and purple wrist watch. "Five fifty-two." I reply not taking my eyes of the TV.

  I hear Dominick let out a sigh. "It's about time that Mollie gets fed her dinner." He says. "How kind are you feeling today Katie?" he asks after a few moments of silence.

We have a tiny little battle of negotiating. In the end, the deal is I'll wake Mollie up and if she begins to cry calm her down. Then bring her down and Dominick will fed her and bathe her afterwards.

  To be honest, I feel that he gets the better end of the bargain. Sadly it's too late to re-negotiate though.

  Upstairs, I open the door of my brother's room. The crib is located where his old desk, which is now mine, used to be. Mollie is sleeping very peacefully. Part of me wishes that I didn't have to wake her up.

  "Mollie girl, time her dinner." I say rubbing her back a bit. It usually takes a few moments before she wakes up. Please don't cry I beg inside my mind.

  A few moments pass and then another few and she still hasn't woken up. I give her a few pokes but yet she doesn't stir. Suddenly I feel the panic take over. I quickly lift her out of the crib. "Mollie! MOLLIE!"


Thank you for reading this chapter. I'll post Chapter One, the first chance I get. I have school to do so be patient. I'll try to post one chapter every week, but please forgive me if I'm unable to.

You'll learn a lot more about Katie and Dominick in the next few chapters.

What's going to happen to Mollie?

Read and find out

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