Chapter Nine - What Did I Do Wrong

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  The quality of project partner I'm cursed with, is horrid. Sawyer always has a reason he is unable to work on the project. There's not a lot of time to work on the project during school hours; which that means we need meet outside of school to work. However, Sawyer has baseball practice in the evening three times during the weekdays. On the days he has off, he usually is busy doing chores or visiting the family or doing homework. Then he has a baseball game during the weekend.

  Sawyer and I only have a page worth of script written; and the assignment due date is fast approaching. I left him a voicemail simply telling him that we need to get working on the script. I gave him the times that I'm available to work.

  After an hour or two of leaving the voicemail, he called back. He tried to excuse himself from working, but I was persistent. After ten minutes of arguing back and forth, we agreed he will be coming over tomorrow around noon. Mom will be defending a client of her's in court tomorrow and Dad is having a day-out with his friends. Therefore, Dominick will be "supervising" and "in charge" of Sawyer and I tomorrow.

  Lately, Dominick has been "in charge" me since he is now home a lot more; but usually I'm left in charge of my niece. We all call her Mollie now, Dominick got it legally changed. He still has to get some more legal stuff to attend to before the name change is official. Anyway, Dominick will watch Mollie when our parents aren't home and I'm sleeping or eating; but other than those times, Mollie gets time with Aunt Katie. I don't argue with Dominick about it; because I can tell he is extremely stressed.

  The parents have been on him about not having a job, and his grades in school don't make the situation any easier.

  I'm sitting at the kitchen table eating some leftovers. Dominick is walking around the house trying to get Mollie to fall asleep. Putting her in the swing gets her to quiet down, but for some reason she rarely falls asleep in it. She usually stares at you or around the room she's in. Most efficient way to get her to sleep is a walk around the neighborhood; but it's pouring down rain.

"Katie, have you seen Pine?" Dominick asks walking into the kitchen with wide-awake Mollie. Pine is a stuffed porcupine Dad bought Mollie. Mollie's taken a liking to it. She used to only stare at it, but now that she's three months old. She can grab it and throw it down. It's fun playing the "pick up" game with Mollie... but the fun dies after six minutes.

"Last I checked Pine was in the crib." I reply.

"I checked the crib, the boxes, baby bag and even under my bed. Pine's nowhere to be seen." Dominick says. He's starting to look a little stressed.

"Don't stress. Pine won't make Mollie fall asleep." I say giving Dominick an encouraging smile. "Try driving around with her. She might fall asleep." I suggest.

"Good idea, but Dad took my keys." Dominick replies.

  Dad's started taking Dominick's car keys whenever an adult isn't home. He wants to make sure Dominick doesn't completely abandon Mollie on me.

  I'm about to say something, but Mollie starts crying loudly. "Uh oh, guess daddy waited too long to put baby to sleep." I say waving my finger at the baby.

  Dominick gets this annoyed expression on his face. He hates whenever someone calls him "daddy" or "papa" or any title that refers to him being a dad. Dominick looks at the clock on the stove and then looks at me.

"No way." I say. I already knew what he was going to ask. Dominick sighs and walks out of the kitchen. I hear his footsteps head upstairs.

  I finish off the rest the leftovers. I'm walking to the sink to rinse out the tuber ware when I hear Dominick yell, "Oh sh*t!" I drop the tuber ware in the sink and run to the staircase. "What's wrong?" I yell.

  Dominick's bedroom door opens and he comes running out with a crying Mollie.

"I... It was only a second to look for Pine.. she rolled off."

"What did she roll off of?" I ask running up the stairs.

"My bed! I set her on my bed and she rolled off!"

AUTHOR'S NOTE - Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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Lots of you are waiting for the update on Mollie (what happened after the prolouge situation?), I'll get to the situation soon. I'm wanting to build up to it, please hold on. It'll probably be a lot more chapters.


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