Chapter Thirty-Nine - Soap Oper- Yawn

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   "Sawyer is at practice and won't be home for a while, but you're more than welcome to wait inside." Chris says, he opens the door a bit more and steps aside to let me in. I've come over so that Sawyer and I can finish working on the film project. A little bit more editing and then it'll be ready to turn in.

   Dad drove me here right after school, he had to rush back to work. I had planned on going home, staying there a bit, and then taking the bus over to Sawyer's house. The bus stop is a mile away from his house and I didn't mind walking; however, Dad didn't like that idea.

   I knew Sawyer wouldn't be home, but I didn't tell Dad that. He would have suggested I cancel today's meeting. I didn't mind waiting out front for an hour, I had a book in my backpack to read. I knocked on the door for show and watched as Dad pulled away.

   We were both at the same level of surprise to see one another. "Katie, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"To see Sawyer." I answered."What about you?" 

"Staying here for a couple days." he answered before inviting me inside.

   After being invited inside, I stepped inside. Chris closed the door behind me and told me to make myself at home. I followed him into the living room where he sat down on the couch and turned on the television. "Want to watch some TV?" he asked.

"Sure." I replied.


   "I love you, Katherine."Janice Dolinen, a character on "Home of the Heartless" says. She kisses the lips of her TV love-interest and some gentle-slow music begins playing in the background. I can't help but melt a bit as I watch as Janice begins to pull away only to have Katherine pull her back. The camera slowly begins to zoom out and the image starts to blur out. "We're broken pieces... but together we're whole." Janice's narrating voice says as the image fades to black.

   I look over at Chris, who promised to watch one episode with me, to ask for his opinion on the episode. However, I have a good feeling he won't have much of one since he fell asleep. I giggle a bit and nudge him awake. He quickly opens his eyes and for a quick second seems confused. He looks over at me and embarrassment fills his tired expression. "Nice show. I like the.... the... clothes. They have a good on-set stylist or whatever you call that person." he says. He ruffles his dark-short auburn hair.

"Oh in that case how about we watch another episode, you can admire the clothing there." I say jokingly. I pick up the remote and act as if I'm about to put on another episode.

"Oh heck no!" Chris says. He reaches over to the take the remote but I stretch it out past his reach.

"Maybe we should watch two more." I say through a fit of laughter. I use my free hand to push him back.

   He laughs as he still tries to take the remote from me. "Make that a whole season!" I add. I can't keep a straight face or say a whole sentence without laughing.

   We played rock-paper-scissors to see who got to chose the show we'd watch until Sawyer arrived home. Chris wanted to watch a show on Comedy Cube, but I played for watching "Home of the Heartless". I think it's clear who won the match; however, Chris managed to get out of the deal.

   The two of us laugh a bit more before finally calming down. I turn off the TV and set the remote on the side table. "How are you, Katie?" he asks.

"I'm good, a bit stressed. I have a lot of stuff going on at the moment." I reply. "How are you?" I ask.

"Sawyer has told me about the custody situation, I can't imagine how stressful that is." Chris replies.

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