Ch.2 Thawne's confession

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My name is Barry Allen, but you already know that. It's been a year since I was stuck by lightning and 4 months since I was betrayed by a man I looked up the man who killed my mother. After the death of my friend's husband I asked her and the rest of my friends to stay away from STAR Labs and The Flash.....(At STAR Labs)(BEEPS COME FROM THE MAIN COMPUTER) "Hello?...Mr. Allen. I have something for you." Said a man outside of the lab. "I'll be right down." I replied as I turned the computer off.(Downstairs/Outside) "Ah, Mr. Allen, I'm Harrison Wells' attorney and we just finished going over his will..and there was this for you." Said the man as he handed me a hard drive. "What's this?" I asked. "Harrison Wells' last request, he wanted you to watch what's on it." Replied the attorney. "What's on it, do you know?" I asked again. "Sorry, but he said it was just for your eyes, but once you've watched it, the hard drive will send me an alert, and once that happens, all of Wells' money will be used for the Labs' bills." He replied. "Ok...thank you." I said as I shook his hand. "Good-day, Mr. Allen." Said the attorney as he started to walk away.(Down the road) "Barry Allen, time to see if your  really him." Said a man as he headed towards the Labs' alley.(Back in the cortex) "Hey Barry!" said Iris and Cisco as I entered the cortex. "What're you doing here? I need to be alone, I'm searching for Snart right now and I can't have you bothering me." I said as I pushed them towards the cortex's exit. "Why focus on Snart when you should be focusing on the meta-him a who attacked a man down at the factory by the water?" Said Martin Stein as he entered the room. "What? I have to CSI, not The Flash." I said as I ran to the crime scene.(At the factory) "Excuse me, sorry....His hand, maybe." I said to myself as I sat and examined the victim. "Hey Bar, so...what happened here?" Asked Joe. "Oh, well he was chocked very hard...with one hand. Our meta is a strong one." I explained as I stood up. "The victim's name was Al Rostein." He replied. "Well, I'm gonna examine the prints I got and the pictures of his neck back at my lab." I said as I grabbed my camera and work bag. "STAR Lab or CCPD Lab?" Asked Joe. "CCPD." I said as I went around the corner and ran to the lab at the PD.(Up in my lab) "Hey Barry, how are you?" asked Caitlin. "Oh, hey! I'm good, you?" I asked as we exchanged a hug. "On my lunch break." She replied. "How's Mercury Lab's?" I asked. "It's ok. I'm here to help you with a certain something." Replied Cait. "What's that?" I asked. "The hard-drive, Cisco said you looked troubled on the security cameras when the attorney handed it to you." Said Cait. " wanna watch it with me?" I asked. "Sure." She replied. "Ok." I said as I plugged it into my computer and shut my lab's door.(The video begins to play/"Wells" appears in the video) "Hello Barry." Said Eobard Thawne disguised as Harrison Wells. "If you're seeing this then SOMETHING has gone horribly wrong, I'm dead, and the last 15 years have been a waste. Heh, 15 years I've  spent waiting and trying to go home, but I guess it was all for nothing. Anyway, I'm going to give you the thing you want most Barry, but you'll never truly be happy. I know you, and I'm always right. Now erase everything I've said before this and give the following to the police." Said Wells as he put his glasses on..."My name is Harrison Wells. Being of sound, mind, and body. I freely confess to the murder of Nora Allen, in her home, on the night of March 18th in the year of 2000. I attacked Nora Allen in her dining room, and stabbed her in the heart. Please do not waste your time tracking me down because this hard-drive was only to be given to Detective Joe West once I died. My attorney hasn't seen its contents, by my request. Good-Day." Said "Wells" as the video ended. "Oh my God, he confessed." Said Cait in astonishment. "I...I gotta call Joe, can you get everybody at STAR Labs? Thanks!" I said as I ran out of the the CCPD.

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