Ch.4 Wells?

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(I have been running faster lately. I haven't exactly been training to get faster, but I think it's because I'm afraid that this Zoom, will come to our Earth and hurt the ones I love and take my speed. I want to trust Jay, but I don't want him to be another "Harrison Wells." Cisco and Caitlin and I have been searching for these breaches to the other Earths. We haven't had any progress, I just hope we find them before Zoom arrives...) "Barry?" Asked Joe over the phone. "What's up?" I asked. "We have a homicide on Tenth and Main." He said. "I'll be right there." I replied as I changed my clothes and ran to the crime scene. "That was fast." Said Joe sarcastically. "Ha ha what happened?" I asked as I examined the man's corps. "There are four teeth: two in the chest and two in his legs." Explained Joe. "These...are shark teeth Joe...and BIG ones." I said as I pulled a tooth out. "We are five minutes from the ocean, and there aren't any food factories around, was it a Metahuman? You'd think this one would've shown up around last year, why would it wait this long?" He asked. "I dunno...maybe Jay'll recognizes these. I'll take two as personal evidence." I said as I took two teeth and put them in an airtight bag. "Ok, I'll wrap up things here." Replied Joe. "Detective West? Everything's been photographed and analyzed. And if I might add, I did some CSI-ing of my own and I think that a Meta-Human-Shark did this, I mean look...four LARGE bite marks from shark teeth, and look at the corps' neck...he was strangled while being bitten." Said a female officer. "Interesting...and you are?" Asked Joe. "I'm Patty...Patty Spivot." Said the officer as she shook me and Joe's hand. "You should've been a CSI, you have the talent." I said to her as I blushed. "I studied to be a CSI for the first two years in the academy, but then I remembered that I wanted to be an officer, not a CSI. But I'm good at both, I guess." Said Patty as she blushed too. "Well, thank you for the help officer, I'll see you at the station. Bye Barry." Said Joe as he and Patty walked around the corner and as I ran to STAR Labs.(Later that day/In pipeline) "So there's a Metahuman on your Earth called King Shark?" I asked. "Yes. He was a scientists studying on the Great White, and as he was dissecting one...the particle accelerator exploded."  Explained Jay. "If I let you out, can I trust you to help Caitlin and Cisco on finding him?" I asked. "Certainly." He replied. "Ok...let me know when you've gotten any leads." I said as I ran to the CCPD. "I had a this yours?" Asked Cisco as he handed Jay a metal helmet with gold wings on the sides. "Yes! This was my fathers...he gave it to me after he returned from The War of the Americas." Jay replied. "Did you say The War of the Americas?...What's that?" Asked Cait. "Well, it's a long story, I'll tell you about it while we look for King Shark." Said Jay as he reached his hand out to her. "Ok." Cait replied as she took his hand and walked out of the pipeline.(At the CCPD/In my lab) "I'm sure I'll find a way to convince you, Detective!" Said Patty as Joe left and I entered my lab. "Convince him of what?" I asked. "Joe doesn't think I'm worthy enough to be on his Metahuman Task-Force." Patty Replied. "Well, I think with your smarts, he could use you in the Task-Force." I said as we both blushed. "Thanks Barry...Oh! I almost forgot, here's my case you need to talk to me about a case, definitely not for any other reason..haha." She said nervously. "Oh, is mine." I replied as I handed her a paper. "Well...see yah Barry, thanks again." Said Patty as she left my lab.(That night....) " can do's just dinner. It's just just wanna ask her to dinner...keep it cool, calm, and collective...keep it cool calm and collective Barry..." I said in my head as I almost entered Jitters and as Jay radioed in. "Barry?! Barry are you there?!" He asked. "Yea...yeah, what's up?" I asked. "It's King Shark...he's heading toward Jitters!" Said Cait. "Wait...what?" I asked as I quickly went to the back and put my suit on. "He's closing in on you!" Said Cisco. "I don't see him!" I replied as I backed up.(King Shark grabs me by the neck and lifts me up) "Zoom wants you dead!!!" Shouted King Shark. "That's enough coffee for tonight...oh my God it's real...You! Put him down and your...fins in the air! You're under arrest!" Said Patty as she pulled out her gun. "I'll be back, Flash!" Roared Kings Shark as he dropped me and went for Patty. "No...please!" I murmured as  gasped for air. "!" Shouted Patty as she shot at him. "Ha ha ha!" He laughed as he got closer to her.(King Shark gets shot in the back by a hooded man) "ARRRRR..ughhhhh." He moaned as he passed out. " Diggle, tell him we have a gift for his wife." I said as I took Patty to the CCPD and then as I went back to King Shark. "Sure thing, see ya soon." He replied. "Hey!..Who the hell are you?!" I asked the man in the hood as we stood in front of one another. " Harrison Wells, Mr. Allen." Said the man as he pulled his hood down and revealed the face of Harrison Wells.

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