Ch.3 Jay Garrick

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(The Next Day/At STAR Labs) "So?...Is it enough to get him out of prison?" I asked anxiously. "Mmhm...yep...ok...thanks." Said Joe as he hung up his phone. "And?" I asked. "Henry will be released tomorrow at noon." He replied. "Yes! Oh thank you Joe!" I said as I hugged him and we walked to the cortex. "So? What did the D.A say?" Asked Iris. "My dad will be let out tomorrow." I replied. "Wow!" Said Cisco. "Congrats, Barry." Caitlin added. "Thanks." I replied as I sat down. " Team Flash back in action?" Asked Cisco as everybody looked at me. "You can bet my speed it is." I replied. "Great! By the way, Cisco and I have enhanced our security, and tracking on the computers so we can see and know who comes in and out of here." Said Caitlin. "So nobody can just Waltz in." Iris added. "Barry Allen?" Asked a man as he walked in. "What the hell?!" Asked Joe as he pulled out his gun. "Seriously?" Asked Cisco. "Who the hell are you?" I asked. "You need to listen to me." Said the man. "The man asked you a question, what's your name?!" Asked Joe. "My name is Jay Garrick...and your world is danger." The man said as he kept his hands in the air. "What do you mean our world?" Asked Iris. "Your earth, like mine, is one of many. Not like the universe but like a multi-verse." Jay replied. "Why are you here?" Cait asked. "To warn you, your world in danger from a man by the name of Zoom." Said Jay. "Zoom?..." I asked. "He's a speedster, like you and I. But he's an unstoppable demon, with a face of death...before I arrived on your earth Zoom and I were in another battle, he had me beat and as he went to kill me the skies pardoned, and I was pulled here... I've been here for 4 months without my powers." Jay explained. "Wait, you lost your powers?" Asked Cait. "Yes, it's been a bit tricky getting used to not having the speed-force in my system." Said Jay sarcastically. "Why did you wait so long to contact confront us?" I asked. "I needed to study you, learn things that I needed to if you were The Flash or not the looks of that suit I'm guessing I'm right." Jay replied sarcastically. "So you come in here, say you're from a different earth, and that you lost your speed from some...thing who might not even be real." I said. "You need to trust me, I'm here to help you, kid!" Said Jay. "Until we can prove what your saying is true..(I run him into a cell in the pipeline)'ll be in here." I said as I shut the door and went back to the cortex. "Well...all least Big Belly Burger is on this Earth." Said Jay as he turned to see a bag of food.


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Thank you all very much for making this happen. I can't believe that my book is the #226 most famous science-fiction book on Wattpad. I feel honored to be a well-known writer in the sci-fi part of this community. I hope you guys and gals will continue to support me...and maybe my book will be the #1 Science-fiction book one day, thanks again!!❤️⚡️❤️⚡️

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