14. Late Night Calls

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A sudden and loud buzzing noise that came from her bedside table woke Dino up from her peaceful slumber. She spread her arm out, feeling around without looking until she reached her phone. She finally opened her eyes to try and see who's calling her in the middle of the night, but the brightness only caused her to shut them once again.

Once she got used to the brightness, she looked at the time before answering without looking at the caller I.D. "Hello?" Her voice was raspy and hushed because she didn't want to be too loud to wake Krissy, it was 3am after all. 

"Dino, I'm sorry for calling you so late. I just really need someone to talk to right now." Relief flooded Dino as she heard the familiar voice.

She let out a small sigh as she calmed down, lying back on her bed with her phone under her head so she wouldn't have to hold it. "Hayes, whats up?"

She heard a small whimper from the other end- almost as if someone was crying- "I got into a huge argument with my mom last night and I said some things I shouldn't and now I feel so bad. I can't sleep because I feel so guilty."

"What did you say?" Dino was scared to hear the answer, what if Hayes deeply disrespected his mother. She was always told by Krissy to never ever trust a boy that treats his mother badly.

He let out a deep breath before speaking "She was saying how I need to get my grades up, which  I thought was completely irrational considering I've been getting B's in most classes. Anyways, we got into a massive argument about that and then I was saying how I was I had a different mom, which really I don't I love my mom, and all these other things and then after I'd been in my room for a bit I went into the kitchen to get a drink but I could hear her crying. It was probably because of me but I was too much of a dick to go and apologise and now I don't know what to do." Dino could hear Hayes' voice tremble with every other sentence, he was letting his true emotions show and she truly admired that.

"Hayes, go back to sleep and stop thinking about it. Talk to her in the morning, I'm sure she'll understand but it's not worth depriving yourself of sleep for. She's your mother, I'm sure she'll forgive you easily as long as you apologise and really mean it."

"Thankyou Dino, I'll let you sleep now. See you tomorrow at school." Dino hung up the phone after saying a quick "goodnight". She placed her phone back on the bedside table and lay back in bed. She was really honoured that out of all people, Hayes had called her to tell about his problems. She had never ever had someone call her in the middle of the night simply because they wanted to speak to her, she had never even had someone want to speak to her. That was until the one and only Hayes Grier came into her life and changed it all completely.


A/N okay guys heres a really short chapter because I feel bad for not updating in forever so I thought id do a double update, enjoy


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