15. Embrace

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Note ; just so you know, I'm not updating this story again until I get at least 20 votes on my last three chapters, thank you. Also this is in Hayes p.o.v


The alarm on the bedside table is what woke Hayes up this morning. With a groan he got up, not before turning off his alarm, and went downstairs. The one thing on his mind was talking to his mother and sorting out last nights problems.

The call that he shared with Dino really made him realise what he had to do. She didn't say much, mostly due to the fact that she had just been woken from her sleep, but the little that was said was a big help.

The first thing he saw when he went downstairs was his mom making breakfast for the whole family - as she does most days. She really was a great mom. Hayes slowly made his way towards the kitchen island and sat on a stool that was placed by it. "Mom." His voice was shakey- he didn't know why he was so nervous. His mother turned around and greeted him with a worried look, she wasn't in the mood for more confrontation. "I'm sorry for last night, what I said was completely out of order and I didn't mean any of it. You're an amazing mom and I really need to stop taking you for granted, I honestly couldn't even wish for a better mom. Or imagine having anyone other than you as my mom. I'm soso sorry." Hayes would've carried on if it wasn't for the tears in his mothers eyes that he spotted.

Initially Hayes thought he had said something else to upset her, but those thoughts were subsided when she embraced him in a loving hug. "I love you Hayes" she whispered in his ear. Hayes returned the sentence just before they broke their embrace.

"Here, I made pancakes. Eat up before your brother and sister comes and takes them all." His mother placed a plate of pancakes in front of him which he quickly demolished before proceeding to get ready for the day.

Once he was dressed, Hayes left his house and started the small journey to his school.

He reached the school grounds within ten minutes, it really wasn't far at all. Hayes' first instinct when he reaches school is always to find Dino, so that's what he done straight away. He went straight to her locker, which is where she normally is but, for some reason today she wasn't there. 

So instead, he asked a girl from his science class to check if she was in the girls restroom, but she wasn't there either. Maybe she was just running late Hayes thought to himself. He shrugged it off and went straight to class when the bell went, they had History and Dino was in his class so he'd find her soon enough.

Twenty minutes passed and Dino still hadn't come into the class, Hayes had no clue why she wouldn't be in.

After what felt like the longest day ever, school was finally over and Hayes was finally able to go to Dinos house. He walked as fast as he could to reach the house that he'd visited many times, and when he finally came across the large door he knocked twice before waiting patiently.

"Hayes, what a pleasant surprise." Krissy answered the door smiling. However, it wasn't Krissys usual smile which would be full of joy, instead it just seemed forced. She stepped back from the door to allow Hayes into her home and he instantly walked in, not wanting to waste another second.

"Is Dino here? She wasn't at school and I just wanted to check if she was okay." Krissy nodded and pointed upstairs signalling that Dino was in her room and so Hayes started making his way towards her.

"Hayes wait" Krissy called out, causing him to stop in his tracks and turn to face her. "Knock before you walk in, and just a warning. She may not be in the best of moods right now but I'll let her explain." Hayes nodded before making his way upstairs once again.

He knocked on Dinos door and waited for a few seconds before receiving a faint "come in" from the other side. Hayes walked straight in, the first thing him seeing being Dino who was staring at him. Her cheeks were red and puffy and her eyes were blood shot, signalling that she had just been crying. She was sitting on her bed which was covered in dirty used tissues but she didn't seem to care. "Hayes, what are you doing here?" 

"You weren't at school so I wanted to check if you were okay"

"You could've just called." Hayes was now sitting at the foot of Dinos bed and observing her with care.

"I know, but I wanted to see you. So, why weren't you in?" Dino let out a small huff before bringing her knees to her chest and holding them there, she really seemed distressed.

"I don't know why, but I had a huge panic attack this morning and I just couldn't bring myself to go to school. These panic attacks haven't happened for ages but for some reason they started up again today. Krissy let me have the day off to try and overcome it because I wasn't used to having them again. All day I've been having them randomly and for some reason I keep getting this pain in my stomach, it's nothing really." she shrugged it all off as if what she said meant absolutely nothing, which really wasn't true. 

Hayes got up from his spot on the end of her bed and went to sit next to her, bringing her into his chest to hug her. "You should've called me. I would've skipped school and stayed with you all day, and I could've brought some medicine for the pain."

"I didn't want to bother you, you were already worried about your mom and everything." 

Hayes sat up so he could look Dino directly in the eye. "I can never, ever be bothered by you. I'm more bothered by the fact that you thought this was nothing and weren't going to tell me. Dino if this happens again please call me straight away, I'll instantly come running to you." Hayes wiped his thumb across Dinos cheek to remove an eyelash that had fallen there. His bright sapphire eyes bored into Dinos brown ones, their eye contact never faltered.

"Thank you Hayes, for everything." Hayes didn't say anything, only pulled the girl into another meaning full hug.

They both just lay there for a while, enjoying each others company. No words were spoken the whole time, no words needed to be spoken. The silence spoke for itself whilst the two teenagers stayed within each others embrace, neither wishing to move any time soon.


note ; i thought the ending of this was really cute. Ahh the feels, when will they ever get together. No update until this chapter and chapters 13&14 get 20 votes I'm afraid! So get voting!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2016 ⏰

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