Chapter 3

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Carl's POV

The entire group decided to eat lunch outside before assigning everyone houses.

Enid and I sat on opposite sides of the fire that my dad built and barely made eye contact.

If I was going to be honest, I didn't really want to talk to her either. She was being so difficult.

After everyone was finished eating, we started walking around, assigning houses to different groups of people.

In terms of our group, living arrangements were pretty much the same as they were in Alexandria. Me, Enid, and my dad lived together, Maggie, Sasha, Abraham, and Eugene were in one house, Daryl and Carol in another, Tara and Denise in another (Denise also got a separate house for her to do checkups and stuff like that in), Deanna got a house to herself (it was really nice for her to see the community that she's the leader of again), and Spencer and Aiden shared a house.

While my dad and I settled into our house, Enid simply dropped her stuff on her bed and headed out, not saying a word to either of us.

My dad and I exchanged a look and I made myself a sandwich, heading to my room and plopping down on my bed with 10 comic books.

I guess I knew what I was doing for the next few hours.


After I finished all the comics, I simply sat on my bed for a few minutes before getting up and heading downstairs after visiting with Judith for a bit.

"Hey, dad," I called.

"Yeah," he called back.

"I'm going out for a bit," I told him. "I'll be back soon."

"Okay," he responded. "Don't go far."

Making sure my gun and knife were in their holsters, I headed out the door.

Since someone was already on gate watch, I went over to the gate in a secluded part of the town and started climbing.

Dropping down on the other side, I started walking around.

Hearing a growl behind me, I turned around and slashed the walker through the head.

After walking around for a bit, I finally found the log that me and Enid would always go to.

As I got closer, I saw that someone was already sitting against it.


I chuckled and walked a bit closer before saying, "So you managed to find this place again."

She smiled a little and lowered her head but didn't look at me. "So did you," she mumbled.

I breathed out a laugh and took a seat next to her, feeling a strong sense of deja vú.

We simply sat there for a few moments before I smiled and asked, "Do you remember the last time we were here?"

Enid nodded. "The day the Wolves attacked."

"Coming out here with you was what I looked forward to every day," I reminisced.

"Same," she mumbled.

We fell into a silence for a bit before I turned to look at her and asked, "You know I love you, right?"

She smiled and looked at me, nodding. "I know," she confirmed.

"And you know I know you're strong, right?" I asked.

She nodded. "I'm sorry," she mumbled.

"Me, too," I told her.

She scooted over to me and put her head on my shoulder while I wrapped my arm around her, putting my hand on her stomach.

I don't know how long we stayed there, all I knew was that the sun had set when we got back.

Author's Note: Hey guys! So I need your opinion.

So I'm working on...something...and I need your opinion on one of the character's names.

So it's a girl and it's between 3 names:
Marcey, Bree, and Tess.

Please comment your opinion! ❤️

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