Chapter 17

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Enid's POV

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes. I was immediately hit with extreme soreness in my lower area. I was really cold and I cuddled into my blanket.

Rubbing my eyes, I looked over to my left, shocked at what I saw.

Carl was at my bedside, holding a baby. I didn't know why he was holding a baby for a moment before realizing that I had given birth. And I actually survived. That was our daughter.

Once Carl realized I was awake, he smiled and adjusted the baby's position so he could hold her with one arm before reaching forward and lightly taking my hand.

"I'm so proud of you," he said softly.

I smiled and sank down into the pillow.

Denise came up and checked my pulse and heartbeat to make sure they were normal.

Finally, after gaining some strength, I managed to push myself into more of a sitting position.

"You wanna hold her?" Carl asked.

I smiled and nodded.

He carefully handed our daughter off to me and I held her in my arms.

God, I loved her.

My mom had always told me that the love that a mom has for her kid is too complicated and too strong to describe. And now I knew what she was talking about. I loved this little girl so much.

Adjusting her position so I could hold her with one arm but not once taking my eyes off her, I reached to my left and grabbed Carl's hand, squeezing it.

Finally, I had a family.

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