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15 Years Later

Enid's POV


I smiled as I got a headshot on a walker that was pounding on the gate of Alexandria.

Daryl chuckled from beside me. "Enid Grimes, you are a force to be reckoned with."

I gave him a toothy smile. I had been on gate watch for two hours and I was getting ready to end my shift. My wedding ring glistened in the sunlight.

Suddenly, I heard a voice from below me.


I turned to see 15-year-old Jessa trotting up to me.

Letting Daryl take over, I climbed down and walked up to my daughter.

"Hey, honey," I smiled. "How was the run with Grandpa Rick?"

She shrugged. "Alright. I have a question, but it's kinda personal."

I smiled. "You can ask me anything."

She nodded and took a deep breath. "I wanna know about my dad."

The smile left my face. "Why would you wanna know about your father?"

She shrugged. "Usually 15-year-olds wonder about the voids in their life. And Uncle Noah knows about Grandpa Glenn."

I still hadn't told Jessa that Noah was actually her biological brother and not her uncle. Man that's weird to think about. Since Maggie had "officially" adopted me, both Noah and I were technically her children now.

"Why don't you wanna talk about Dad?" she asked. "I know it's not because you don't love him. You keep his picture by your bed and your always at his grave."

I winced at the word "grave".

I sighed. "You're right, Jess. I do love your father very, very much. I always will. I guess I never talk about him because it still hurts. But you're right, you deserve to know your dad. What do you want to know?"

She thought for a moment. "I wanna know about your guys's story. Like how you met and stuff."

I nodded. "Okay."

Taking a deep breath, I turned to Daryl. "Would you mind taking over for me?"

He gave me a thumbs up.

I took another deep breath. "Okay." Jessa and I started walking down the street. "Well, it all started when your dad decided to be a total creep and follow me into the woods one day."

As I told Jessa the story of Carl, I felt like he was right there next to us, laughing at my jokes and holding my hand.

I liked to believe that he really was there.

Carl's POV

I watched as Enid walked down the street with Jessa.

I smiled fondly and turned to JC, who was standing right beside me.

"I thought you said you couldn't watch over the people you loved once you died."

JC smiled, still watching Enid and Jessa. "Yeah, well, a little white lie never killed anyone."

We both chuckled.

We watched them until they disappeared around the corner.

Finally, we turned and started to run away, racing.

As we ran, all of my friends joined us. My mom, Gabriel, Glenn, Rosita, Beth, Noah, and many more.

As as we ran, laughing, I knew something for certain.

All of us, dead and alive, would be okay.

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