Chapter One-

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Chapter One


      Smiling, I walked down the serene, stark sidewalk. Cambridge. This was where I belonged. I had been waiting since I was about five to finally come to this extraordinary place, and, now, I was finally here. When I got my acceptance letter, I too wasn’t surprised, but I did shriek my head off for an hour after that. Jordan had to put duct tape over my mouth to shut me up. He was just jealous that he wasn’t admitted.

      I felt something in my pocket vibrating, so picked my phone up.

      “Hey mom,” I said, continuing to walk, and take in my new and unknown surroundings.

      “Elle! Sweetie! How’s the condo?”

      “Gorgeous!” I don’t even know how our parents managed to get three college freshman in off campus living their first year, but somehow they did. They said they didn’t want us to suffer in a small cramped dorm, so this place would be better; which I totally agree with.

      “Is John okay with it?” she asked.

      “Yeah, he loves it.”

      “Wonderful! Has your other roommate come in yet?”

      “No. Where did you say he was from again?”

      “Uh… Colorado? Or maybe it was Utah? I may be wrong. Some place like that.”

      “Oh, cool.”

      “Yeah, well honey I hope you finish settling in nicely, call me later!”

      “Sure,” I said, hanging up. I stood in front of the stunning rust colored building, grinning. The architecture of all the structures around here, is just amazing! So detailed and meticulous. I climbed up the steps, and opened the door to the apartments. Quickly checking our mailbox, I noticed that our door was open. Oh no. Yup, someone’s robbing us, and John’s an idiot. I quietly tiptoed into the apartment and saw John peacefully sitting on a couch playing Call of Duty.

      “John... is everything okay?” I asked, dropping the bag that I had been carrying on the floor.

      “Hey Elle! Everything’s fine,” he said, fiddling with the plastic controller in front of him.

      “Why was the door open?”

      “Because I forgot to close it,” he shrugged.

      “Okay good,” I sighed, relieved. So there were no robbers, but he was still an idiot. Why am I even rooming with him? Torture. Sucks that he’s one of my best friends.

      “Where’s the other roommate kid?” he asked suddenly.

      “No idea, but I came back to drop off one more suitcase, and I’m going to go out again to get some coffee, kay?”

      “Sure,” he said, not blinking. Typical John...

      “Okay, bye Johnny!” I said, leaving again.

      “Bye Elle!” he said, as I slammed the door shut.

      I went back outside to the brilliantly busy scene. There were people walking, bike riding, and cars whizzing by. I think I may be in love with this city. I made my way through the confusing jumble of sidewalks, and to the Starbucks I had been going to for the past week. I walked in, waved to the cute boy behind the counter, and joined the long line of people. Someone came up behind me, and was obnoxiously talking on the phone.

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