Chapter 5: Confrontation

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Okay so I couldn't find someone as London so therefore I decided...
London as YOU

London's P.O.V

I was woken up by a banging sound. Turning around to face my clock on my nightstand it read 8:13. I've only been sleeping for 2 hours and 13 minutes and a bitch had the audacity to come and wake me up like please. Who ever this is will firstly regret waking me up now and secondly BANGING ON MY FUCKEN DOOR!!!

As soon as I stood up, I felt a really bad headache due to the lack of sleep. I choose to ignore it until I'm done dealing with whoever this person is.

Slowly walking to the door, I grabbed my baseball bat and firmly gripped it in my right hand. I used my left hand to slowly open the door. As soon as I got out, I quietly made my way to the banging sound which led me to my front door.

'Okay you have two options' my brain told me 'open your eyes and see if your murderer/kidnapper is hot' thanks for that awesomely smart idea brain #note the sarcasm 'you're welcome or you can try hit him with your bat and scream stranger danger 911 at the same time'

Not knowing what do I decided to all three at the same time. Quickly opening the door.
"Stranger dang-" I scream and swing at the same time.

Instead of the bat getting in contact with a head it came in contact with a hand? I also stopped myself from screaming stranger danger 911 because number 1 I sounded like a roaster high on crack and number 2 this person was nowhere close to a stranger.

This person is a person that made me strong. This person made me believe in myself . This person made me grow a back bone. This person was there for me during tough times. This person made me forget something like pain and sorrow ever existed. This person would give their life for me. This person took my virginity. This person is none other than Jason Santiago.....

"Why" he said staring into my eyes.

"I'm sorry" I said bellow a whisper looking at my fingers and playing with them.

"Princess do you know much you had me worried about you. Huh" he said carrying me bridal style into the apartment and locking the door of the front door. "I couldn't even sleep or think better yet even breath at the thought of something bad happening to you " He said making me stand next to my king sized bed.

"London if something bad had happened to you" he said caressing my cheek "I would have never forgave myself or Aubrey for it"

"Jay its not your fault babe" I said looking him dead straight in the eye "I did what I did because I needed time alone. I just had to get my mind off everything and just be the old me" I said my voice cracking and my eyes getting watery.

"Shhhh don't cry" he said hugging me "I got ya"

After saying that Jason went to my dressing room and got one of the sweatshirts I stole from him. Coming back to where I was standing Jason turned me around so that he can unzip my dress. Slowly he started taking my dress down leaving it to fall to my feet.

Turning me back around so that I face him. He stared at my breasts because I had no bra on leaving me in only my thong. I was slightly blushing.

"I'd love to but not today princess" he said putting my...well his sweatshirt on me.

Hearing him say that was heartbreaking and relieving at the same time. It was be heartbreaking reason being I don't know, but it was relieving because I would suck at bed at the moment.

I just nodded.

Jason being the guy he is had to pick me up and put me in bed. Not considering the fact that I was literally by the bed and all I had to do was lay down.

When he was done tucking me in bed. He started stripping himself. No matter how many times I look at his body, I can never get tired of it. Only now do I realise that he has on a sweatshirt and sweatpants. His eyes have bags under them and his hair is all ruffled up.

As soon as he was done, he got into bed and snuggled/cuddled with me. May back side on his front side. I tried my best not to wiggle. Wouldn't want to start something that I know very well I can't finish.

"So what are you going to do" he said talking into my neck. "You just can't avoid her forever"

He was right. I cant just act as if the whole blow up never happened no matter how much I try to ignore it. I will have to confront her someday.

"You right. I can't just ignore her forever. I'm willing to talk to her but is she willing to talk to me?"

"We'll have to figure out a way to make her talk to you" he said drawing patterns on my stomach.

"Yea" I said sighing "but what happened between you too" I said turning to face him.

"Well when you left she started crying really badly and wouldn't let me go near her so I left and started looking for you" he said playing with my belly button and going lower and lower....

"Go to sleep. When you wake up we'll do something about the whole situation at hand" he said kissing my neck.

"Thanks Jay. I'd probably die if it were not for you" I said hugging his neck really tight.

"No need to thank me mia princesa . Just know what I'll be here for you forever and always. Te amo "

And with that I let sleep consume me.


I'm really truly sorry for the super late update. I've just been sooo busy that I kinda forgot I'm even writing a book. Bad right. I hope you didn't stop reading.
I also need help finding casts. Maybe you can help?

So what do y'all think. Is everything everything going fine so far or do you want some changes.

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Naomi Bella

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