Chapter 3: Burn in hell

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Aubrey's P.O.V

"You leave me breathless

You everything girl in my life

You leave me breathless

I still can't believe that you're mine

You just walked out of one of my dreams

So beautiful you live in me

Breathless" Sang Shayne Ward.

The guests started cheering and screaming and whistling. I'm so blown out. This is literally the best night of my entire life. I can't believe that London actually brought Shayne Ward to sing for me!! She's the best best friend ever!!!!

So now that the performance is done. Jason and I have to have our first dance as a married couple. But before that I am soo pressed and I need to go to the bathroom ASAP to freshen up and pee. Which will probably take supper long due to this enormous princess dress.

I was walking down the hall admiring how beautiful the hall we hired actually is. Then as I was about to twist the door knob I remembered that I didn't have my make-up or toiletry bag with me. *Sigh*

So I had to go to the room that all of my things are in. I had to walk for about five minutes to get to the room. I would have sprint if I didn't have this huge ass dress on.

When I finally got there, I quickly took both my toiletry bag and make-up bag and ran as fast as I could. Which wasn't really fast because I was wearing the princess wedding dress. But I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom.

As I was about to twist the bathroom knob I saw my ex Chris. He is way hotter than the last time I saw him. Damnnn I tought.

"Hi Aubrey" he said taking his hands off my shoulders.

"Um Hi Chris" I said blushing a little.

"So I just wanted to congratulate you on your new marriage" said Chris putting his hands in his pockets and looking straight into my eyes.

"Thanks-" I was cut off by a girl in the bathroom moaning Jason's name. I didn't really let it get to me because after all there are a lot of guys named Jason and I'm sure the couple couldn't take it. If you know what I mean *Wink*

"Whoa did you hear that" said Chris blushing and starring at me.

"Well yea but I'm sure its just some couple that couldn't hold themselves. If you know what I mean" I said to Chris winking

He just chuckled which is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard but was cut off by the the same moaning but this time it was a little louder and it sounded like London moaning Jason's name?

"Wait is that London" saying Chris with a shocked expression.

"Wait what" I said hella confused.

"Yea that is London" said Chris reassuring me and looking a little disappointed.

"How do you know how London moans" I said asked Chris suspiciously and now I was really confused.

"Um uh I um" said Chris stuttering like crazy and looking away.

"Stop stuttering" I said. Then I thought I heard Jason groan.

Damnn mind can't you just wait till you go to your honeymoon with Jason then you can do all those nasty things.

" I gotta go.... Bye beautiful" said Chris kissing me on the cheek. And walking really fast.

"Okay..." I said blushing.

As I twisted the knob I couldn't believe what I saw.

"Oh my gosh! Fuck!" Said Jason with his pants off.

I gasped and dropped everything. London was on her knees. When she turned around she had cum all over her face.

"Aubrey honey its not what you think doll face" said Jason putting his clothes back on and walking towards me both at the same time. But as he almost got close to me London held him by the shirt stopping him from getting anywhere close to me.

He just stopped, not even trying to get out of her grip or even protesting. When I looked at London she had a huge smirk on her face. At that moment I felt like wiping it off here face more than anything else on earth.

I couldn't because I was frozen on one spot not believing that my own best friend did this to me, the one I trusted the most, the one that cried on my shoulder and I cried on hers, the one that I would travel out the galaxy and back for. I guess she wasn't a true friend after all.

The only words I could manage to say out where "Burn in hell"

What she said HIT me, made me question out relationship, it made me want to kill myself but most of all I got me wondering what I ever did to her..

"Karma is a bitch" she said.....


Ohhhhhh they got busted

What do you think will happen next?

Don't you guys think London's acting like a bitch but she probably has a reason why right?

Do you think Jason loves London or he just wants the cookie jar?

What do you think Aubrey did to London that made London want revenge?

So far I'm liking what I'm writing.

But so far are you guys liking the book or do I need to make some changes?

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