Chapter Four

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Their Vacation

That evening, they all had decided to have a bonfire by the beach. They were wearing their respective swimwear for night swimming. 

Eric and Pam wanted privacy. They took the pleasure of swimming on the water leaving the other six behind around the bonfire. 

“Sam’s idea of spending the Holy Week here is really nice,” Eric told Pam. He held her hands and drew her body much nearer. 

“Yes.” Pam enveloped Eric’s waist with her hands and faced him. “We’ll now pursue our dream along with our friends. I’m really happy.” 

Eric commented, “I am too. Lloyd is really a brilliant man.” 

“You’re brilliant too, munchkins.” She nibbled on his lower lip.

Eric responded to it with a much lingering kiss.

Dex sat down beside Sam while they were near the bonfire.

He started making his move. He did it directly to the point. “I’m really glad that you had invited me for this outing even if you don’t know me that well.”

Sam answered, “Well, you’re Lloyd and Toni’s friend.”

Dex stated, “I have come to like you since that day I saw you at your graduation day.”

Sam felt giddy but she didn’t make it obvious, “You’re so fast, Dex.”

Dex declared, “Yes. I really intend to court you, Sam. I want you to be my girlfriend and eventually be my wife.”

Sam commented, “You’re fast and you’re also serious.”

Dex affirmed, “Yes I am.”

Sam told him honestly, “Dex, I like you too but I don’t want to rush everything between the two of us. Let’s get to know each other well first.”

Dex agreed, “I agree.”

Sam reminded him, “I will still pursue a law degree.”

He said, “Yes, I know.”

Sam told him, “I don’t want you to wait on me. If you happen to find another woman then you must tell me about it. I’ve been through a lot of relationships. They all had failed. For the meantime, let’s be friends.

Dex had settled, “That’s fine with me.”

Lloyd came near Trisha when he noticed that the other six had paired up.

“Mind if I sit beside you?” Lloyd had asked.

Trisha replied, “Nope!”

Lloyd inquired, “How are you now?”

Trisha replied, “I’m fine. How about you?”

Lloyd replied, “I’m fine too.”

Trisha stated, “We would be working together. Don’t you find it a little bit awkward?”

Lloyd stated, “We had ended our relationship not quite good. I think it should not affect our friendship.”

Trisha admitted, “I had been insensitive then. I’m sorry for all the awful words I had told you.”

Lloyd expressed, “I know you are sorry. You had all the right to act that way. I did have my own share of shortcomings.”

Trisha asked, “So are you dating someone else?”

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