Chapter Nine

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His Dream Girl

August 22, 2011. Monday, the casts on Toni’s legs had been removed.

From then on, she had visited the Filipinas Orthopedic Hospital twice a week in the morning for her physical therapy sessions. Lloyd had been driving for her to and from the hospital.

Such had made them even closer.

One September Saturday when Lloyd, Toni and Yolanda had just finished on with the baking, cooking and packaging of their homemade products, the two had settled on the long couch at the living room to watch a sci-fi film while Yolanda washed the laundry.

When it ended, they talked.

Toni imparted then asked, “Dex and Sam would be getting married this October while Eric and Pam would be getting married by January. When do you plan to get married, Kuya?”

Lloyd answered the question, “Perhaps when you could already walk!”

Toni asked, “Who are you dating now?”

Lloyd answered, “Honestly, I’m not going out with anybody else but you, little sister.”

She asked him further, “So how could you possibly be married when you are just busying yourself taking care of me?”

He said, “You’re more important than any other woman. I’m really not rushing to get married.”

She reminded him, “But you’ll be turning twenty-five this October.”

His reply was, “So, what?”

She reminded him further, “You’re not getting any younger, big brother.”

He confessed, “Actually, I have this woman in my mind and in my heart for a very long time. I haven’t courted her.”

She inquired, “Why?”

He answered, “She was then committed to someone else but not anymore now. She’s actually free as a bird.”

She encouraged him, “Then court her.”

He said, “I’ll build a house for her first.”

She pointed out, “But she has to like that house. You should know her preferences.”

He responded, “I already know her preferences.”

She asked, “Do I know her?”

He replied, “Very much!”

She wanted to know, “Who is she?”

He promised her then, “I’ll just then you when you’re capable of walking again.”

She asked further, “Why wait for me to be able to walk again?”

He reasoned out, “Because you will have to play a big part when I do my marriage proposal to her.”

Toni then felt a little sad, “What will happen to me when you’re already married?”

Lloyd assured her, “Of course, we will still be together.”

Toni had kissed Lloyd’s cheek. “Thanks for everything, Kuya. I love you.”

“I love you too.” He kissed her perfectly-shaped nose. “So, what about Richmond?”

She confessed, “I didn’t lie about our breakup.”

He asked, “Why did you breakup with him?”

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