chapter 8

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Logan walked me over to the bed and sat me down, Kara sat next to me. Both Logan and Blake remained standing. I hadn't realised how similar they looked. Both had pale white skin, black spiky hair. Logan looked more muscular than Blake though. Logan had brown eyes which I noticed seem to go lighter when he was happy, right now they were dark brown which meant he was either worried or angry.

"Okay where to begin. Alright. Well okay better start with our ages. I'm 115 years old and Blake is 110 years old" Logan paused.

Kara stood up I watched her she was shaking. She was panicking already. I got up and grabbed her arm trying to make her sit down. Logan held me around the waist, I breathed out heavily. I'll yell at Logan later right now I needed to calm Kara down.

"Sorry's hard to imagine your that old when you look like your twenty" she said.

Once Kara and I sat down, we waited for her to calm down again.

"You okay?" Blake asked Kara.

"Yes" she said looking into Blake's eyes. I turned away, Kara liked Blake. Yet she didn't have the guts to tell me.

"Okay then I'll continue. Well before you two came along me and Blake were engaged to vampire girls. Many vampire girls actually" Logan smirked while I rolled my eyes at him. He continued "But every time we were about to meet them they died. They were murdered. Someone just didn't want us to be kings. Our family was suffering, me and Blake well we felt like we were being tortured we couldn't start a life because every time we tried to build one someone was one step ahead of us killing so many innocent girls" Logan said.

"Darius hates your parents because when we were having our dark days your parents deserted us but that's actually a lie" Blake said.

"Then why not rectify the lie, why did my parents leave?" I asked.

"During our dark days vampire families stopped asking our family if me and Blake would marry their daughters. Too many had died because of us. Both of your parents left our families about twenty years ago" Logan said.

"Yes but why?" Kara said still confused.

"Because they were pregnant with us" I said. It all locked into place for me.

"Exactly" Logan smiled then continued "Before they left both of your parents promised if they each had a girl that they would marry me and Blake. They left to protect the both of you if they stayed your mothers would have been in danger. No one had heard from your parents ever since, most people believed they deserted my parents when the total opposite had occurred".

"Our parents were the best of friends, they couldn't see my parents hurt anymore, your parents are selfless people and I am grateful they blessed me and Logan with your presence" Blake said seriously.

"We only found out of your existence about fifteen years ago. My parents really missed your parents. Me and Blake were well we weren't coping well with what was happening to us. They took us to see your parents. We told no one where we were going not even other family members, we didn't know why at the time but we did as we were told" Logan said.

"We went to Oakland and meet your parents. We all meet at Kayla's house. When we meet them they were so happy. Me and Logan couldn't get our heads around why our parents weren't mad with them. They left us. But when you two came running down the stairs we knew why" Blake said with a smile while looking in Kara's direction.

"We've meet you two before this?" I asked now I was in shock.

"Yes" Logan said smiling.

"And I have to say, you both liked us more then, then you do now. That's for sure" Blake said smiling just as big as Kara.

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