13;; iMessage

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valentina haney:

sebbyyyyy i haven't heard from

you for a while. i miss you

read 2:30pm

valentina haney:

sebby what's wrong?

read 2:30pm

valentina haney:

why are you avoiding me? have

i done anything wrong?

read 2:31pm

valentina haney:

sebastian what's wrong?

sebastian stan:

it's a long story

valentina haney:

what happened bby?

sebastian stan:

no it's chris evans on

his phone.

valentina haney:

sorry chris 😅. but why is seb

avoiding me?

sebastian stan:

texting you on my phone. seb

wants his phone back now

valentina haney:


[+1] 546 234 1123

hi valentina. it's chris

valentina haney:

heya chris!

chris evans:

i'm going to send you a link.

it'll be easier to explain

valentina haney:

kk, sure

chris evans:



valentina haney:

what. the. actual. hell?

i haven't even met sebby

yet and now they're already

sparking up stupid rumours?

chris evans:

and what's worse is that he bought it

valentina haney:

what?! is that why...?

chris evans:


valentina haney:

and what the hell? did they

seriously said that i was going

out with someone?!

chris evans:


valentina haney:

ugh the media is so damn


valentina haney:

... wait he likes me...?

chris evans:

how did you figure?

valentina haney:

it's obvious. why would

he be so upset and jealous

over that?

chris evans:

do you like him back?

valentina haney:

...i do

chris evans:

then maybe you should

confess your feelings

to him

valentina haney:

but i cant...?

chris evans:

do it over text okay?

valentina haney:


read 2:50

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