03;; iMessage

4.6K 113 8

[+1] 432 123 4469


valentina haney:

holy shit i can't believe that i'm actually texting you

sebastian stan:

is that supposed to be a good thing or...

valentina haney:

no it's an amazing thing omfg. i can't believe i'm texting you

valentina haney:

i'm probably rambling random shit right now

sebastian stan:

nah. it's fine. it's cute to see you rambling

valentina haney:

holy fucking shit did you just... omfg

valentina haney:

how in the world did you even find my account?

sebastian stan:

i was scrolling through some of my tags and saw your picture?

valentina haney:

so you actually noticed me?

sebastian stan:

in other words, yes.

Read 2:40 pm

A/N: I honestly have no idea how the American phone number/code works. I don't live in America, which hence explains why. Feel free to correct me if I got it wrong. 

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