19;; iMessage

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this was it. what his new girlfriend had said was hurtful. it was hurtful. although his girlfriend did hurt her, sebastian did too. he had clearly moved on and gotten himself a new girlfriend. all valentina wanted to do was to forgive him, to be his friend again; to talk to him again. it was clear that he doesn't want to talk to her; or be her friend again; nor does he want to forgive her. it was clear.

if only had she told him that she loved him; that she didn't love him just as a celebrity, but as a person and in personality as well, none of this would've happened. none. but it was hopeless anyways; he's a famous actor after all, and every fangirls scream "i love you" to him, and he definitely sees her as a fangirl that just screams "i love you" every time she see him, and it hurts her to see how he only sees her just like that.

valentina sat down on grant's chair, as he went to film another episode of the flash. tears were slowing welling up in her eyes, but she furiously blinked them away ― why was she sad over the fact that he had moved on? he's a celebrity after all, and she's just his fan that imagines dating him.

suddenly, her phone vibrated few times, and assuming that it was probably daisy, because she had been texting her for the past two months, she checked what daisy had texted her ― but she was wrong. it wasn't daisy, but it was sebastian.

sebastian stan:
i scrolled up my message, and
i would like to apologise in
advance for sabrina dawson. i
understand that she is a bitch
sometimes, but because she had
hurt you, i broke up with her, and
i don't regret it

sebastian stan:
thank you for forgiving me,
valentina. you have no idea
how much it means to me. it
means the world to me. it means
everything to me ― just like how
you mean everything to me

sebastian stan:
if you're seeing this, i would like
to tell you that i love you, and i
would give in anything just to be
with you

valentina haney:
i'm crying omg. you have no idea
how much your message had made
my day. you have absolutely no idea.
i'm sorry about you breaking up with
sabrina dawson, i truly am.

read 4:15

valentina haney:
i have been a fan of you for a long time.
ever since i first saw you as bucky, i
instantly fell in love with your skills as bucky.
bucky had always been my favourite marvel
character, and i admit that at first i did make
an assumption that you won't make a
good impression of bucky, but when i saw
you on screen, i realised that you were perfect.

valentina haney:
i began to admire your works, and each day passed,
i admit that i did dream of being with you; just like
every other fangirls who would, but i never would've
thought that it would actually happen. i never even
thought that we would even talk ― hell, never even
thought that you would ever notice me, but you did,
and i thank you for that.

valentina haney:
now that you've said those three words, i guess
it won't be too scary and weird to say this, but:
i love you too, sebastian

sebastian stan:
valentina, that was beautiful. you made
me smile, you mean the world to me. i
cannot believe it had taken this long for
me to say that. bucky wouldn't even have
taken this long just to wait; he would've
said it almost on spot.

valentina haney:
so i guess we're...?

sebastian stan:
i guess we're dating?

valentina haney:
you're too cute, my romanian

sebastian stan:
romanian puppy?

valentina haney:
or do you prefer chubby dumpling? 😏

sebastian stan:
actually, i prefer either, as long
as i get to call you whatever i

valentina haney:

sebastian stan:
seal the deal with a kiss

valentina haney:
you want me to kiss the screen?

sebastian stan:
actually, never mind. send me
a kiss emoji

valentina haney:

sebastian stan:
now i'm happy

valentina haney:
since when are you not happy?

sebastian stan:
since our fallout. now i'm happy

valentina haney:
you're too cute

valentina haney:
i love you

sebastian stan:
i love you more

valentina haney:
whatever you say qt

sebsatian stan:

a/n;; okay this is probably my favourite chapter omg & probably the longest too

Viva La Vida ❥ Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now