I've Always Been True

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A/N: Heyyyy y'all. I got a new boyfraand! His name is Kris and he lives in Colorado. (I started writing this chapter a while back, so Kris & I broke up. Whatevaah. It didn't even last a fucking week. xD) Anywaaayyyysss, I should be uploading more often because I finally have my own freakin' laptop! HOOORAAAYY. But, I might get it taken away because my gradess suuuck. I haven't been focusing. I'll try harder next marking period, I promise. (; I may not be perfect, but I've always been true. See what I did there? Anyway, enough rambaling...here's a new chapter.


*Patrice's P.O.V.*

I have to get to the bottom of who sent me this message. And, how did they know what's going on? Not many people know..

I walk downstairs & sit on the couch sideways, hugging my knees. Quite dramaticly, if I say so myself.

"Patrice, what's wrong now?" Matt asks sitting on the couch in front of me.

"Nothing, just leave me alone Matt."

"I just got you back, and now you want me to leave you alone?"

"Pretty much." I say flatly.

"What's gotten into you lately? You know, if you want me to just leave you alone, then you'll  have to leave."

I shrug, get up, and walk towards the door. But Matt stops me.

"So, that's it? You're just going to walk away?"

"You said leave. So that's what I'm doing." I say walking out the door.

"Fine. When you get some fuckin' sense, come back." And with that, Matt slams the door on my face.

Well, someones mad. I don't understand.

Then, my phone rings. Brian's calling. What does he want?

"Hello?' I say answering the phone.

"Heyyy Patrice." Brian says.

"Yeah, hi. You called because..?"

"Woah, cut the bitchery a little. I was just gonna ask if you wanted to come over since Matt pretty much kicked you out."

"How did you find out so quickly?"

"I'll tell you when you get here."

"But who said I was ever coming?"

"You'll come if you want to know what's going on."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Don't play stupid, Patrice, You know exactly what I mean."

"Fine, I'll be over in a couple minutes."

"No need, I'm parked right across the street, so hop on in and I'll give you a ride."

I hang up the phone and look directly across the street. Parked there, is a black range rover. The window rolls down. To reveal Brian. So, he really was across the street?

"Patrice, are you juts gonna stand there and stare at my amazing car all day?" Brian asks, shouting across the street with confidence.

"Quit your bragging, Haner. I'll be there in a few seconds." I shout back.

"Do you mind? I'm trying to get some fucking sleep here!" Someone yells out their window.

"Build a bridge and get the fuck over it!" I yell back as I walk to Brian's car.

I try to open the door, but it's locked. I knock on the window, and a few seconds later the window rolls down.

"Yessss?" Brian asks raising an eyebrow.

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